Zotero multiple citation downloads not working

The "folder" icon that allows for multiple citation downloads at once is not working. It is sensing the desktop Zotero but produces an error when downloading to it. The icon works at an individual level, but it is not at a multiple citations level. This appears to be the case across multiple database providers.
  • - It seems to be an issue across multiple computers.
    - Reinstalling the plugin does not fix it.
    - Switching browsers (from Firefox to Chrome) does not fix it.
  • We still need you to run through https://www.zotero.org/support/troubleshooting_translator_issues
    even if nothing helps, we need version numbers, error reports, and specific URLs
  • URL of a page that isn't working (EBSCO):


    Debug ID: D763660799

    Pop-up says: "An error occurred while saving this item. See Troubleshooting Translator Issues for more information."
  • Best I can replicate that search it works for me, but EBSCO is tricky because it looks different on every campus. Any other databases that are failing on multiples?
    @dstillman could you look at the debug please?
  • Translate: Translation using EBSCOhost failed:
    Error: HTTP request to http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/viewarticle/render?data=dGJyMPPp44rp2/dV0+njisfk5Ie46+x68OvsRuvX54as2+aH8eq+Sa6lr0+tqK5JtpavSbirs1Kxr55Zy5zyit/k8Xnh6ueH7N/iVa+qtUmwp7JIr66khN/k5VXj5KR84LPhUOac8nnls79mpNfsVa+mt1CxqLJIr5zkh/Dj34y73POE6urjkPIA&vid=2&sid=496404b7-5878-48b2-b757-9b323e800dee@pdc-v-sessmgr03 rejected with status 503
    url => http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/resultsadvanced?vid=2&sid=496404b7-5878-48b2-b757-9b323e800dee@pdc-v-sessmgr03&bquery=(HIV+OR+AIDS+OR+%22HIV%2fAIDS%22+OR+PLWHA+OR+(%22human+immunodeficiency+virus%22)+OR+(%22human+immunedeficiency+virus%22)+OR+%22S51%22+OR+(%22human+immuno-deficiency+virus%22)+OR+(%22human+immune-deficiency+virus%22)+OR+(%22acquired+immunodeficiency+syndrome%22)+OR+(%22acquired+immunedeficiency+syndrome%22)+OR+(%22acquired+immuno-deficiency+syndrome%22)+OR+(%22acquired+immune-deficiency+syndrome%22)+OR+((MH+%22Human+Immunodeficiency+Virus%2b%22))+OR+((MH+%22Acquired+Immunodeficiency+Syndrome%22)))+AND+(refugee*+OR+(%22asylum+seeker*%22)+OR+(%22internally+displaced%22)+OR+((MH+%22Refugees%22)))+AND+(experien*+OR+perception*+OR+perspective*+OR+attitude*+OR+opinion*+OR+reflect*+OR+qualitative*+OR+interview*+OR+(%22grounded+theor*%22)+OR+ethnograph*+OR+phenomenolog*+OR+(%22focus+group*%22)+OR+narrative*+OR+(%22case+stud*%22)+OR+((MH+%22Qualitative+Studies%2b%22)))+AND+(female*+OR+women+OR+women+OR+mother*+OR+((MH+%22Female%22)))&bdata=JmRiPWM4aCZ0eXBlPTEmc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZlJnNjb3BlPXNpdGU%3d
    @rlwither The connector fetches a bunch of results for you, until it gets a 503 error from one of the urls.

    If you try to save 5 articles rather than all of them, does it still break? This could be a matter of EBSCO rate-limiting the save, or a particular article link being broken on the database.
  • We've seen a number of reports lately that seemed to point to EBSCO rate-limiting, so that's likely what it is.
  • Sometimes it will let me save 3 or 4 articles, but others it won't let me save any. My colleague and I are also experiencing similar problems with ProQuest (https://login.proxy.hil.unb.ca/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/search/1467142?accountid=14611), although more intermittently. It might download once, but then not at all the next time.

    I will have a chat with our electronic resource licensing librarian. Maybe she can reach out to EBSCO and ProQuest to see if it is a problem on their ends, but it seems a little odd that it would be both.
  • EBSCO and ProQuest both do rate limiting, i.e. they have measures in place to prevent rapid multiple downloads, so this would make sense. They may have gotten more stringent recently, as many publishers have, in the age of SciHub.
  • I'm at the same university and also experiencing this problem: D877372670.
  • Yes, that's the same issue. You're being rate-limited by EBSCO.
  • I am having the same issue trying to download citations from Google Scholar. I am using the Zotero extension for Chrome and when I select all the citations I want to download, I get an error message and it only downloads the webpage. I tried to download fewer items and that did not work either. Any ideas?
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