How add a PDF (single-item page ?) to my library with tags from my browser ?


I'm a new user of Zotero, and I can not do this task :

To add a PDF to my library with tags from Mozilla Firefox.

For example, when I'm on this documen t: Center/Publications/Books/Samples/IFTPressBook_Coffee_PreviewChapter.pdf,
I click on the "Zotero icon" in Firefox (wich seems like a PDF icon). The icon loads 5 seconds, then become Green. My document is now saved in my library, but I have not chosen any tag.

However, on other kinds of documents (webpage), I have this pop-up wich let me choose my tags.

Do you know how to have the same pop-up on PDF files?

Thank you,

  • Unfortunately we cannot display a custom progress dialog over Firefox PDF viewer, due to restrictions in Firefox itself. This may change in the future, but for now you can either enter tags after saving the PDF in Zotero or use Chrome, where you will see a progress dialog when saving PDFs.
  • Ok thanks you for this information !
  • But you will see the pop up window in Firefox if you save from a non-PDF page, such as the article abstract page. This will also often get better metadata and the PDF as well.
  • OK ! I very often use document with any metadata so I'm more interested in easily inform key information myself rather than looking the better way to get automatic metadata !
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