"An error occurred while trying to export the selected file." Can you QuickCopy a PDF?
When I attempt to QuickCopy a PDF, I get this message "An error occurred while trying to export the selected file." even after I have retrieved metadata and renamed and associated the PDF with the parent item. I believe this error began appearing only after I installed Zotfile.
Can you provide a Report ID?
Does the problem occur if you disable your third-party extensions?
Here is the error id. 1826395651.
I guess if I asked the question a little differently---when I attempt to drag and drop a PDF reference into a Scrivener document, instead of getting curly brackets enclosing an eight digit zu reference, I get a path (without curly brackets) that shows the location of the PDF in my user storage. I believe this change from having a scannable cite to having what ever that is, a path?, began to occur after I installed Zotfile. Perhaps I have a wrong setting in Zotfile preferences? I have scrutinized the preferences settings in Zotero and Zotfile and just can't figure out what is going on. Any ideas? Thank you!
Are you saying when you're trying to drag the parent item you get the above-quoted error?
By they way, are the Zotero and JurisM libraries the same thing? In my case, it looks like they are. Is that correct?
By way of context, I am trying to annotate a web page article, and have the annotations appear as notes in my Zotero/Juris M library, which I understand to be the main use for Zotfile. I thought I might use Zotfile to read/research online sources, such as webpages containing pertinent information that I would annotate as a PDF, then save the annotated version to the sync folder in my Dropbox created for this purpose. The thing is that, once added to the Z library via this method, there is no "parent item" from which to extract "parent metadata." I had hoped that the PDF would contain sufficient metadata to make my workflow of right-clicking to retrieve metadata from the PDF sufficient to then drag and drop the Zotero PDF item into my text documents for scanning through Zotero.
As always, Thank you!