does adding bibliography update whole document?

I have 200 page document and zotero is not refreshing properly. If I add in a bibliography, does the document automatically refresh all the citations, or do I need to refresh first, and then add the bibliography to make sure everything is up to date? Thank you.
  • The bibliography is not correct. It has added a citation starting with "A" at the very end after the letter Z. I removed this from my library hoping it would help but it hasn't. I would be grateful for any help.
  • It has just given me this error message:

    Zotero experienced an error updating your document.

    The operation couldn't be completed.

    (OSStatus error -1708.)
  • What OS, Word version, and Zotero version?

    If it's working in a new document, see Debugging Broken Documents.
  • I am using OS 10.12.6, Word 16.17 (180909), and Zotero 5.0.55.
  • I am getting a message from the add-on manager:

    Missing something? Some plugins are no longer supported by Zotero.

    The only plugin I have is Shockwave flash 31.0 r0. What should I do in this case?

    Many thanks in advance
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