Error importing citations from a Google Scholar Profile list
Trying to import a list of citations from a Google Scholar Profile and I am getting the translator error. I checked the reference page and I don't see any mention of GS. I am using the updated version of Chrome, and the Zotero Connector correctly recognizes the list and displays a folder icon. When I click on the folder, it gives me a list of citations on the page to choose from. When I click OK, it displays "An error occurred while saving this item. See Troubleshooting Translator Issues for more information."
Is importing from GS Profile pages not supported? Thanks!
Trying to import a list of citations from a Google Scholar Profile and I am getting the translator error. I checked the reference page and I don't see any mention of GS. I am using the updated version of Chrome, and the Zotero Connector correctly recognizes the list and displays a folder icon. When I click on the folder, it gives me a list of citations on the page to choose from. When I click OK, it displays "An error occurred while saving this item. See Troubleshooting Translator Issues for more information."
Is importing from GS Profile pages not supported? Thanks!
Also, I tried my own, and it imports some but then hangs:
Short version is that we only get the ID we use to grab the citation metadata using the "related" link in the pop-up from profiles. Where that link is missing, the translator will fail.
Not an easy fix.
In my Google scholar profile I selected all my publications, then clicked on Export, chose RefMan. A "Citations. ris" file downloaded itself. Having Zotero running, I clicked on the file and it automatically created and populated a folder called "Citations".
I hope this is of help to others!