How to expose some informations using HTML Metatags

edited September 5, 2018

Some informations for context : i am a librarian using an integrated library system (ILS) called Kentika (

I am looking for a way to expose our documents' metadata using HTML metatags.

Using a combination of dublin core (included by default in our ILS but with a lot of technical limitations) and Highwire Press tags, most of the essential bibliographic informations are harvested just fine :

Dublin Core tags :

<meta name="DC.title" content="Critical chain in practice: using the theory of constraints to manage projects & portfolios" />

<meta name="DC.creator" content="BERNARD, Jean-Pierre, ICORD, Isabelle" />


<meta name="DC.description" content="RESUME : <BR><BR>The same cause always produces the same effect. This is the case with our projects. The project management methods did not really change in a century when Henry Gantt invented his famous chart. The way we traditionally manage the inevitable hazards does not allow us to launch our products on time better nowadays than yesterday. The critical chain offers some way out to this vicious circle by applying some basic rules which could be difficult to implement without solid guidelines. This book describes concretely step by step the implementation of CCPM in a single project and in a project portfolio... in order to optimize our efforts and profitability!" />

<meta name="DC.publisher" content="Emotion primitive" />

<meta name="" content="01/10/2014" />

<meta name="DC.type" content="Livre numérique" />

<meta name="DC.format" content="118 p." />

<meta name="DC.identifier" content="9782954804439" />

<meta name="DC.source" content="" />

Highwire Press tags :

<meta name="citation_title" content="Critical chain in practice: using the theory of constraints to manage projects &amp; portfolios">
<meta name="citation_date" content="01/10/2014">
<meta name="citation_volume" content="">
<meta name="citation_series_title" content="">
<meta name="citation_dissertation_institution" content="">
<meta name="citation_publisher" content="Emotion primitive">
<meta name="citation_isbn" content="9782954804439">
<meta name="citation_abstract" content="RESUME :

The same cause always produces the same effect. This is the case with our projects. The project management methods did not really change in a century when Henry Gantt invented his famous chart. The way we traditionally manage the inevitable hazards does not allow us to launch our products on time better nowadays than yesterday. The critical chain offers some way out to this vicious circle by applying some basic rules which could be difficult to implement without solid guidelines. This book describes concretely step by step the implementation of CCPM in a single project and in a project portfolio... in order to optimize our efforts and profitability!">
<meta name="citation_public_url" content="">
<meta name="citation_language" content="Anglais">
<meta name="citation_authors" content="BERNARD, Jean-Pierre;ICORD, Isabelle">
<meta name="citation_pdf_url" content="[that field works fine, but the content is copyrighted, i had to remove the link]">
<meta name="citation_lastpage" content="118 p.">

My questions are :

- My keywords aren't imported in Zotero... any clue why ?

- Any idea what tags to use for these informations : pages number, edition (first edition, second edition, etc.), location (of the publisher), classification (where to find it in the library) ?
  • edited September 5, 2018
    I'm sorry, not much good news here:

    - Zotero doesn't import keywords from generic html metatags because they're too often useless (e.g. generic site-related keywords)
    - these metatags aren't particularly good for books, so no place to put number of pages, edition, publisher place or call number, I'm afraid.

    You could look at COinS instead/in addition. That works much better for books.
  • Any good resource / example to learn how to add COinS ? seems to be down...

  • Zotero's COinS export is a good place to start.
  • Very nice idea, i didn't think about that. Thanks !
  • So far, i managed to generate a COinS which apparently include my informations :

    <span class='Z3988' title='url_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;;rft_id=urn%3Aisbn%3A9782804116262&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&amp;rft.genre=book&amp;rft.btitle=R%C3%A9silience%20organisationnelle%20%3A%20rebondir%20face%20aux%20turbulences&amp;;rft.publisher=De%20Boeck&amp;rft.description=RESUME%20%3A%20%0D%0DToutes%20les%20organisations%20traversent%20des%20turbulences%20et%20des%20crises%2E%0DCes%20situations%20conduisent%20%C3%A0%20des%20pertes%20de%20rep%C3%A8res%20et%20de%20sens%2E%20Les%20identit%C3%A9s%20ne%20sont%20pas%20%C3%A9pargn%C3%A9es%2E%20Dans%20de%20telles%20circonstances%2C%20comment%20rebondir%20%3F%20Quels%20moyens%20mettre%20en%20oeuvre%20pour%20favoriser%20la%20r%C3%A9silience%2C%20cette%20capacit%C3%A9%20%C3%A0%20faire%20face%20%C3%A0%20l%27adversit%C3%A9%20%3F%20Les%20auteurs%20pr%C3%A9sentent%20ici%20le%20cadre%20conceptuel%20de%20la%20r%C3%A9silience%2C%20diff%C3%A9rents%20mod%C3%A8les%2C%20une%20d%C3%A9marche%20op%C3%A9rationnelle%20et%20un%20ensemble%20d%27outils%20appropri%C3%A9s%2E%20Le%20mod%C3%A8le%20CIRERO%20permet%20de%20positionner%20les%20organisations%20sur%20les%20trajectoires%20de%20r%C3%A9silience%2E%0DDes%20strat%C3%A9gies%20particuli%C3%A8res%20sont%20recommand%C3%A9es%20en%20fonction%20des%20situations%20de%20crise%2E%20Toute%20personne%20amen%C3%A9e%20%C3%A0%20mettre%20en%20place%20des%20conditions%20favorables%20%C3%A0%20l%27%C3%A9mergence%20de%20la%20r%C3%A9silience%20trouvera%2C%20dans%20ce%20livre%2C%20un%20guide%2C%20une%20%22%20bo%C3%AEte%20%C3%A0%20outils%20%22%20et%20une%20abondante%20source%20d%27informations%20constitu%C3%A9es%20par%20des%20retours%20d%27exp%C3%A9riences%20et%20des%20%C3%A9tudes%20de%20cas%20d%27organisations%20amen%C3%A9es%20%C3%A0%20affronter%20de%20s%C3%A9rieux%20bouleversements%2E%20&amp;rft.edition=&amp;rft.series=Manager%20RH&amp;;rft.tpages=295%20p%2E&amp;rft.isbn=9782804116262&amp;rft.language=Fran%C3%A7ais'></span>

    But when i use the Zotero button, it seems like i am bypassed by WorldCat or Library of Congress (Zotero import their informations, not the ones included in my span)

    Any idea why ?
  • I'm afraid because of the ISBN -- I think that's due to the history of COinS as an format to generically describe a resource rather than a specific copy of a resource)

    @zuphilip do you have an opinion on whether to keep that or not?
  • @adamsmith The COinS translator calls search translators (only for ISBNs or also in other cases?) and then combines the result or only take the result of these other translators?

    My first reaction is, that we might need something like this only if essential metadata like title, year or publisher is missing.
  • It seems like it only take the result it finds on worldcat or library of congress.

    The ideal would had been a combination with our data as main.
  • edited September 11, 2018
    It does...sort of. The COinS translator should only revert to searching if the COinS looks sparse. In this case, your COinS has a title, but no authors listed & Zotero would rather try to find complete data that includes those creators.

    Are you able to add the authors to the COinS you emit?
  • Do you know what are the others fields that must be in the COinS to prevent the COinS translator to revert to searching without looking at the rest of the COins ?
  • only creators (of any kind) and title are needed for it to use the local data.
  • Hi,

    Indeed, i added creators and it worked !

    I am glad to say that thanks to your help i managed to create COinS that globally satisfy my needs. Thanks a lot !

    Two minor questions i didn't find how to answer :

    For my thesis : language and URL aren't imported whereas it seems ok in the COinS :

    <span class='Z3988' title='url_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adissertation&amp;rft.title=La%20digitalisation%20des%20points%20de%20vente%20%3A%20compl%C3%A9mentarit%C3%A9%20entre%20les%20boutiques%20physiques%20et%20les%20boutiques%20connect%C3%A9es&amp;rft.inst=IDRAC&amp;;;;;rft.language=Fran%C3%A7ais&amp;rft.tpages=91%20p%2E&amp;rft.identifier=' > </span>

    Do you see what the problem could be ?

    And by chance, do you have any idea for a way to fill "Library catalog" ?
  • I think you're just hitting COinS limitations at that point, sorry. I think we generally don't import the URL on purpose because the URL field is designed for citeable URLs, i.e. links to full text sources, not catalog entries. language and library catalog are just way beyond what COinS, which is a very limited data format, can handle. If you want more complex import you'll have to set up unAPI.
  • Thanks for your answer.

    I think i will stick with COinS for now.
    If later i have more needs and the time (especially the time !), i would take a look at unAPI.

    (by the way, i find very strange and worrying that the only good resources about COinS and unAPI are wikipedia or the wayback machine. I gives the feeling that those technologies are old and extincted and it's rather difficult to understand and finally put them in application (for instance there was a COinS generator, before, which is gone now).
  • edited September 19, 2018
    oh, it's definitely case that, in internet terms, these technologies are old and unAPI is basically extinct outside of Zotero -- it's very useful lightweight technology to pass high-quality metadata to Zotero without a dedicated translator though, and Zotero's support of it isn't going anywhere.
    COinS is more widely used and supported (and I'm a bit baffled why all official documentation has disappeared), but its origin is in OpenURL, i.e. it is meant to just hold enough metadata to identify a work, which is why it's quite limited.

    The problem is that their likely eventual replacement -- some version of JSON-LD, most likely with -- is just slowly emerging as a standard (in the sense that it's not implemented very widely) and we haven't fully implemented support yet.
  • Thanks for all these informations.

    My point is, in Zotero documentation, i was surprised to see a user documentation, a developper documentation, but no "websites" / "institutions" documentation, explaining how to be compliant with Zotero : what are the options, how a COinS should be structured, what you need to install unAPI, what is the point of having an OpenURL service for your patrons, etc.

    Had it existed, i feel like i would have saved a lot of my time (yours too ;-) ).

    I wish i could propose you to write that part but i feel like it is way beyond my knowledge, hélas.
  • edited September 19, 2018
    I think caters to website/institutional users (who may either use a tool that supports zotero out-of-the-box or with a plugin and that lists pros/cons of various role-your-own alternatives).
  • The cost of adding unAPI to my online literature database was under US$1000 of web development time for our mySQL-based system. is a no-cost/ad-free database of scholarly research articles relevant to injury prevention. Visit the site and you will see how nicely a unAPI-enabled site works with Zotero.
  • @noksagt : you're right, that page tries to provide support but for exemple all the links for COinS are dead. So, if you want to use that method, it's kinda complicated.

    Same for unAPI, the website is done.

    Information that was displayed in those lost websites could be re-written and published directly in that page to raise aweressness of bibliographic data value and assist in their implementation.

    But that means that first we have to find "experts" in those technologies, able to write that content, give technical recommandations on each method, maybe give exemples, etc.
  • @DWL-SDCA : it's very nice, indeed Zotero is able to import a lot of fields excluded with COinS. Question about the tags : is it a will that Zotero doesn't import them ou a technical limitation ?

    About setting up a unAPI server, let's say i hire a developper, how can i provide him the necessary documentation (considering that the official website is done ?) ?
  • edited September 25, 2018
    Good question about tags / keywords / index terms. Yes, that is a current technical limitation but one that we could fix. I'll discuss this with my developers and, if the cost isn't too great, include keywords with the other metadata.

    [edit: Know, however, that several key publishers do not provide keywords with their metadata to us (nor to those who import the publishers' metadata into Zotero). One key publisher refuses to allow their article keywords to be included with other article metadata in SafetyLit. This is why we haven't included keywords from the beginning. ]

    I don't know the answer to your developer and documentation availability question.
  • Hi,

    I generated a COinS by exporting a item from Zotero.
    The item is an article.
    But only seven fields are exported:
    Document Type,
    Article Title,
    Author's name,
    Journal Name,

    So Abstract, Short Title and URL are not exported.

    Is it normal ?


  • See:
    Abstract and short title aren't a standard part of COinS. My website doesn't export article abstracts.
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