Linking references to files stored locally: "Locate..." button does not work

Hi there,

Along with the data (for example, the PDF files of publications referenced in Zotero) stored in Zotero and which can also be assessed remotely, I have most of these files stored locally on the computer (since I can organise them in a directory structure that I can better understand). On Zotero I create links between the references and these locally stored files manually via "Attach link to file...".

Two problems with this procedure: First, it is quite time consuming (am I overseeing something that Zotero can do and I do not know?). Second, it only works well as long as I work on one and the same machine (or in machines with exactly the same path for locating the files).

Now I have to work on a machine with another path for storing these files. It means that the original links as expected got lost. The problem is that when I try to open an attachment locally saved of a given reference the window "File Not Found" opens but I am unable to use the "Locate..." button in order to reestablish the missed links. Apparently nothing happens when I click on this button. It seems to be a bug as it worked well before. Does anyone have an idea what can be the possible causes of this problem?

I am using Zotero 5.0 on a computer with Win10.

Thanks in advance and best regards
  • 1) If you're using linked files heavily the third-party ZotFile plugin may be helpful.

    2) To use linked files across multiple computers, you want to set a Linked Attachment Base Directory.
  • edited August 17, 2018

    I'm having the same problem that the "Locate" button doesn't (always) open up the file explorer/picker window. Here's my error ID for when this happened: 473228739.

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