Feature request: Better support for UAC in Windows

Currently, when Zotero is installed system-wide, the user doesn't have write privileges to the install location, and an update is available, the user still receives a non-actionable update notification. This behavior is very annoying, especially given that Zotero is updated every few days, and could be improved as follows:

1. Suppress the update notification dialog if the user does not have privileges
2. Offer to relaunch as administrator via UAC if the user does not have privileges
3. Install a privileged background service that can perform the update, much like the Mozilla Maintenance Service
  • I strongly support this feature request.

    Considering that running Zotero with elevated privileges from a "Standard user" account would effectively run another instance, with access to another Zotero library, I would consider a fourth option. Maintain the current update dialog, but add a button to elevate the privileges of the update process.
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