Changing PDF reader for Zotero Standalone Only
I know that it is easy enough to change the default PDF viewer on Macs (which, of course, will also change the PDF viewer in Zotero Standalone), but is there a way to have Zotero Standalone use a different PDF viewer than viewer from the one set as the default viewer on the Mac? If there's a preference panel that handles this, I've missed it somehow. (Changing the default viewer on Firefox doesn't seem to carry over onto Zotero Standalone. I guess there's no reason why it should, but I gave it a try anyway).
All you need to do is to modify this script to point to the location of your Zotero PDFs and you PDF-viewers of choice. Then just set the script as your default PDF viewer. I am not the creator of the script, but I can confirm that it worked for me on Antergos Linux (Arch derivative). I would expect it to work on other Linuxes and on Macs.
To set the script as the default PDF-viewer on Antergos, you need to create a desktop file pointing to the script, and then modify the line containing application/pdf in ~/.config/mimeapps.list to open PDFs with the newly created desktop file.
Here is the script for reference.
# Check if the pdf is in the Zotero folder.
if [[ "$1" == */zotero-data/storage/* ]]
# Replace all / with \ (needed for the windows program Foxit Reader)
/usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux --run "Foxit Reader" "$f"
evince "$1"