Bug with new target selector in Chrome: Target collection fails to update if changed after page load

Browser: Google Chrome
Zotero Version: 5.0.48

The new "target selector" feature in the Chrome connector breaks my existing workflow, which is I believe not an exotic one:

1. find a paper online that I want to save to Zotero
2. Switch to Zotero, select the collection I want to save it to
3. Save the paper using the "Save to Zotero" button in Chrome

With the new connector, the selected collection is not updated if it is changed after the page has loaded, so usually it selects a wrong collection by default (the one that was active when the page loaded, before I switched to Zotero to select the appropriate one)

I appreciate the "target selector" feature, but since I have a rather extensive hierarchy of nested collections I prefer using the main Zotero interface for selecting the collection, which I now can't (without afterwards reloading the page in Chrome).
  • I think this may be a misunderstanding, since the connector already does what you want. The selected collection is polled when the target selector first opens on a page, not when the page loads. If you load a page, switch to another collection in Zotero, and click Save to Zotero, it will show the currently selected collection.

    If you save on a page, though, and then click "Save to Zotero" again, it will reopen the target selector without resaving, and show you where the item was saved to, so in that case it wouldn't be affected by further selections you made in Zotero. I'm guessing that's what you were seeing.

    In any case, I'm curious why you still find switching to Zotero preferable. Just the display size of that pane? The target selector is obviously meant to basically eliminate the need to switch to Zotero before saving. It gives you recently chosen collections, the same layout, and the same +/- shortcuts to expand/collapse. The main things it doesn't currently offer are 1) the same open/close states as in Zotero and 2) find-as-you-type navigation, but those are planned (possibly along with some other form of collection search).
  • > If you save on a page, though, and then click "Save to Zotero" again, it will reopen the target selector without resaving, and show you where the item was saved to, so in that case it wouldn't be affected by further selections you made in Zotero. I'm guessing that's what you were seeing.

    OK maybe this is indeed what confused me, because I cannot replicate my original observation any more on different pages - the selected collection seems to be picked up OK. Does this "persisting the selected collection for a page" work across re-loads of the page? Also I was encountering this originally on a Google Scholar page with multiple items ("Folder" icon in the "Save to Zotero" button), so maybe that was confusing. Anyway, sorry for the noise, I would report back to this discussion if I can indeed replicate the problem I thought I had ;)

    > In any case, I'm curious why you still find switching to Zotero preferable.

    I run a three-monitor setup, all in portrait orientation, with Zotero usually open full-screen on the middle monitor with all of my ≈120 nested collections expanded in the side bar. Saving to an arbitrary collection usually takes me 2 task switches and 2 clicks (one on the collection in Zotero, which is usually within view, and one on the connector button). Using the target selector takes me at least 4 clicks (Save to Zotero, expand the target selector, clicking on the collection, Done) in the best case, but usually a lot of scrolling and expanding and finding the correct path through the small view of the collection hierarchy. Feels much more cumbersome for now, but maybe I'll learn to appreciate it over time.

    But I don't claim I'm a typical user in this respect ;) - But then again I am probably just an ordinary PhD student with an extra monitor :D
  • You can still do the previous behavior of pre-selecting your target collection before saving. If you don't interact with the new dialogue at all, it will save the item to the currently selected collection in Zotero.
  • @bwiernik that's what I tried to do but failed for me right after the update. I am pretty sure now it was caused by repeatedly trying to save the same page, with Zotero "remembering" the collection I used the first time (as pointed out by @dstillman above). Anyway, the problem seems to be gone now.
  • Does this "persisting the selected collection for a page" work across re-loads of the page?
    No, if you reload a page it will save again.
    Also I was encountering this originally on a Google Scholar page with multiple items ("Folder" icon in the "Save to Zotero" button), so maybe that was confusing.
    Ah, I think that's it. The folder icon always saves again, but it looks like it doesn't poll for the collection again, so it won't reflect additional changes to since the first save.

    That's legitimately a bug, but it'll go away with some planned architectural changes, and given that the target selector is meant to address this and in any case lets you change it easily, I don't think we'll worry about this in the meantime.
    Using the target selector takes me at least 4 clicks (Save to Zotero, expand the target selector, clicking on the collection, Done)
    Ideally the collection you want is either already selected from last time or is in recents, in which case it's 1 or 2 clicks, and without a context switch (albeit a minor one in your setup). The recents drop-down includes "More…", so there's no penalty for checking that first most of the time. You also don't need to click Done after making a selection.

    It's certainly a smaller pane, though, so I understand that concern. Hopefully we'll be able to add some search options to make things easier for people with very large collection hierarchies in the not-too-distant future.
  • Thanks for taking the time for an elaborate and rapid answer... This is much appreciated and I do not take it for granted!

    > Hopefully we'll be able to add some search options to make things easier for people with very large collection hierarchies in the not-too-distant future.

    If only I could remember what my collections are named ;-)

    For me the "traditional" way works perfectly, so it would be nice if this option (selecting the collection in the Zotero main app) would be preserved across those planned architectural changes. Alternatively, I would be happy with a tree view in the target selector that persists the collapse/expand state of folders, and ideally is as tall as the available browser window, plus an option to always show the tree view immediately. (I find myself rarely saving multiple resources to the same folder, and I have a hard time to reliably identify folders by name only without the structural context of the tree)

    But don't worry about my specific preferences - I just had the impression you are interested in gathering info on people's workflows so I am providing a bit more detail.
  • The architectural change will be a constant connection between the connector and Zotero without needing to poll, which will allow for things like automatically updating the selected collection. So it will in fact better support the way you're using it.
    an option to always show the tree view immediately
    Yeah, that's something I've thought about. I could see that being an option.
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