Zotero not exporting all citations HELP!

For my university research, I have to switch to EndNote or Mendeley.

The only problem is, no matter which format I use to export my citations from Zotero, only 32 citations show up when importing to the receiving app.

I can actually see each and every folder from the export but for some reason, they do not make it into the new program.

Please let me know if anyone has a clue how to fix this as it is crucial for my research.

Thank you.
  • First let me ask why you need to switch to Endnote or Mendeley?

    How exactly are you exporting from Zotero?
  • Thank you bwiernik for writing back.

    My university only actively supports usage of EndNote of Mendeley so, at least for now, I'd like to be in alignment with their policy. Additionally, they won't cover the extra cost Zotero has once the free capacity has been reached.

    When exporting, I simply click "export" and then RIS or other supported formats by the latter apps. I see all of the documents and subfolders but, when being imported, only 32 are populated.
  • If you’d like to keep using Zotero, you can get support and help from this forum as needed. You can also use a free WebDAV cloud provider to sync files rather than paying for Zotero storage. I don’t think you really need “support” from your university.

    Select one of the RIS files in your computer file system, right click on it, and open it with a plain text editor (Notepad, TextEdit, etc.). Are all of the items you exported there?
  • I'm happy to keep using Zotero (assuming that I would be able to export correctly should a situation arise).

    How do I use the free WebDAV?

    Just opended with TextEdit. Everything is there.
  • edited June 5, 2018
    Create an account with a WebDAV enabled could service. Here is a list of ones people have used with Zotero: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/webdav_services

    Then, in Zotero’s sync preferences, switch “Sync Attachment Files in My Library using” to WebDAV and enter your login details.

    If all of the items are in the RIS file, then that’s an issue with import on Endnote/Mendeley, not Zotero. If you want to use one of those programs (I’d recommend against that), you will need to seek support for them to fix that issue.
  • Thank you so much.

    Which do you recommend?

    Once I have verified the connection, how will I know it's saved on the server?

    Got it. I may not need to switch but will still hunt down this issue!
  • Also, how can I force a synch to begin (instead of automatic)?
  • I find that Box.com works well. Once you’ve set up syncing and verified the server, Zotero will sync files to the WebDAV server. If there aren’t any sync errors in Zotero, everything is working correctly.

    To manually start a sync, click the green spinning arrow in the upper right corner of the Zotero window.
  • Seriously, can't thank you enough. I'll let the uploading commence and check in once it's complete.
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