Problem generating bibliography, it always goes to Edit instead

edited June 3, 2018
Hi, I use Zotero stand alone version on my desktop window 7. I have inserted the citations in the word document. When I am ready to add the bibliography at the end of the file, it just opens the Edit window.

I have reviewed the instructions here, I thought I click the correct button. Also, I have disabled and enabled the add-ons setting in Zotero for word integration. Still the problem persists.

Would really need some help. Zotero wouldn'be Zotero if I cannot generate a bibliography.

The instructions are below.

Clicking the “Add/Edit Bibliography” () button inserts a bibliography at the cursor location. After you've inserted the bibliography using the “Add/Edit Bibliography” () button, click the button again to open the Edit Bibliography window.

  • Sorry, for some reasons, I managed to resolve this issue. not sure what i did, but it seems to work now. But I cannot remove this post. So thanks anyway.
  • What was likely happening is that you had deleted a bibliography, but a piece of the field codes remained. If this happens again, show field codes by pressing Alt+F9, find the {bibliography} field, and delete it.
  • Hi there, yes, I believe you are right about this. I did some edit and delete here and there. That could be the results. Thanks for your tips.
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