Style Error: Journal of Zoology

edited May 29, 2018
Hi all,

I found a style error in the formatting of the bibliography for book section.
This is the journal request (the italics don't show here but they are correct):
Whitear, M. (1992). Solitary chemosensory cells. In Fish chemoreception: 103-125. Hara, T. J. (Ed.). London: Chapman & Hall.

And this is what the style does:
Whitear, M. (1992). Solitary chemosensory cells. In Fish chemoreception: 103-125. Hara, T. J. (Ed). . London: Chapman & Hall.

The issue is with the (Ed.). requested that becomes (Ed). .

I simply modified the csl here:
label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix="). " text-case="capitalize-first" strip-periods="true"

1) Is this the correct way of doing it? (The results works)
2) Can you update the style for everyone?


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