Zotero Integration Error ReportID :1484429786

When I try inserting a citation on word the following message pops up:
"Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
A maximum of 16 undo records can be active simultaneously. [getDocument:document.cpp]"
  • I am getting the exact same error when I add a citation somewhere in the middle and refresh.
  • Ok so I figured out what was wrong. When adding a citation, a drop box appears with matches from your collection AND the references already cited in your document. These results are grouped together with the headings 'my library' and 'cited' respectively. I selected to add a reference from the cited column, which was obviously the wrong thing to do. I deleted the reference and added it from the 'my library' section and everything works fine now. Hope this helps anyone making novice mistakes like me. :)
  • thank you very much!
  • edited May 1, 2018
    My Zotero just updated and now I am getting exactly the same error, and I was citing as I always do, from a collection.. It went away, and then I got another error which told me all my citations were corrupt. Luckily I had only been working on the file for 10 minutes!

    Zotero crashed and in getting an error report, it says there is no error! Anyway, here's the ID: 1479791432
  • My citations are now appearing like this...

    ON ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"DM0N4zKj","properties":{"formattedCitation":"S.G.P Ward, {\\i{}Wellington\\uc0\\u8217{}s Headquarters} (Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2017), n. 126.","plainCitation":"S.G.P Ward, Wellington’s Headquarters (Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2017), n. 126.","noteIndex":29},"citationItems":[{"id":1406,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/480484/items/CQIJF8M7"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/480484/items/CQIJF8M7"],"itemData":{"id":1406,"type":"book","title":"Wellington's Headquarters","publisher":"Pen & Sword Military","publisher-place":"Barnsley","source":"Open WorldCat","event-place":"Barnsley","ISBN":"978-1-4738-9682-6","note":"OCLC: 968174506","language":"English","author":[{"family":"Ward","given":"S.G.P"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2017"]]}},"locator":"126","label":"note"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} S.G.P Ward, Wellington’s Headquarters (Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2017), n. 126.
  • I know, but it isn't supposed to appear in my file along with normal citations is it?
  • There are several of these now, dotted about in my word document
  • The keyboard shortcut to hide them is given at the link above. They are probably appearing because you are using Track Changes (which will pop them up to show you what has changed). If that’s the case, just click Accept twice to make them hide again.
  • No, I don't use that. These only appeared after the crash. Some of the citations are appearing normally. Nothing in Word has changed.
  • Just to clarify, the field codes have appeared after a crash. Not all the Zotero citations are showing like that. Word has not been modified. They appeared normally before the crash.
  • If you select all the text in the document, then type Alt+F9 do the codes disappear?
  • I've solve the problem , the error : «A maximum of 16 undo records can be active simultaneously» is caused by Microsoft Word Undo button. To solve it just save your file. Close Word and reopen it. Hope this helps :)
  • I just got this error too after today's latest update (5.0.46). The error appeared after trying to insert an intext reference from Word. I've been working on a document all day, inserted probably 10 references, and just now started to get this error. I have restarted Zotero and Word, still getting the error.
  • Sorry for the trouble. A fixed version of Zotero (5.0.47) is now out. After updating and restarting Zotero you should also restart Word to ensure the issue is fully cleared.
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