Zotero 5 asks to move my library
Hello, After an upgrade to 5.0.44 it tries to move my library every time I open Zotero, then when it can't, I think because the app and library are on a USB stick, it asks if I want to quit and move it, or just continue. I just continue and everything is OK with the library and most things seem to work. Is it possible to just leave the library where it is and not get the dialogue ever time? Will it cause any problems if I just go on ignoring the instructions? It did not do this with Zotero Standalone 4. Thanks for any help.
Are you using a custom shortcut that specifies a different profile directory using the -profile flag?
And then how is your data directory configured? On the command line or via the Advanced prefs? If the latter, does it show as being the default location or with a custom data directory?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/t36zi4uyw1lrwoe/1. v5 Start data directory dialogue.jpg?dl=0
There is no folder at C:\Users\\Zotero
There are still Zotero folders in Local and Roaming, the profile is still in roaming. The data at F:\Zotero\\zotero is the data I moved and that which I want to use. If I click on the 'Not now' button I get the library I want to use, what I want is to get to this library without the dialogue and without moving the library to the C drive, not enough space for it there. Is this possible?
The text boxes on the Files and Folders dialogue do not display the path when I click on the folders dialogue to identify the folder I want to use, it takes many attempts to get this feature to work. Is this cause by using the F drive for the base path and the library path? The only way I got the path for the library accepted was to transfer the whole profile and then delete the files and folders which were not part of the library. Screen shots won't show much as nothing appears, the dialogue behaves as if the setting is there but there is no path visible and the setting does not take affect when the dialogue is closed.
Thank you for any help.
But don't worry about this. Just make the change I said, with Zotero closed. When you start it back up, the custom data directory will be missing, and it'll ask you whether you want to use the default location or (I think) choose a different location.
Thank you for your help.