Cannot subscribe to group RSS feed

I have created an RSS feed for my own library but cannot do it for my group. Is there some setting which is incorrect? When I subscribe to RSS feed, I only get a message 'Forbidden'. (there is no page with a key generator, etc as was true of my library).

I want to add it to my slack bot to have a linked forum/group chat!

Thank you.
  • Hello,
    I have the same problem with a group in which I am involved, with same message : "Forbidden".
    The owner of the group has the same problem.

    No problem to suscribe to rss feed with other groups.

    Any idea to solve it ?
    Thanks for your help.
  • Hi, I am experiencing the same issue. I created a shared library with the intent to import items into Omeka-S via the Zotero import module. The module requires the API key, but when I click on the Subscribe to this feed link I receive a response of “forbidden.” I have made the library publicly accessible as required by the module of this matters.
  • What group is this? If the group is public the "Subscribe" link should take you directly to the feed. If it's still private or viewing the library is restricted to members it should take you to a page to create a key to access the feed with. If you're logged in and able to view the library that also shouldn't take you to any pages you don't have access to, but there may be a problem there.
  • I'm experiencing the same issue - I'm trying to "subscribe" to my Public/Membership group, but when clicking the "subscribe to this feed", it only returns forbidden.
  • I had a similar issue. I had the "Group type" == "Public closed" but had "Library Reading" == "Any group member" in the groups library settings.

    I changed "Library Reading" == "Anyone on the internet", and after that I did not get the "forbidden"-message anymore.
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