Cannot subscribe to group RSS feed
I have created an RSS feed for my own library but cannot do it for my group. Is there some setting which is incorrect? When I subscribe to RSS feed, I only get a message 'Forbidden'. (there is no page with a key generator, etc as was true of my library).
I want to add it to my slack bot to have a linked forum/group chat!
Thank you.
I want to add it to my slack bot to have a linked forum/group chat!
Thank you.
I have the same problem with a group in which I am involved, with same message : "Forbidden".
The owner of the group has the same problem.
No problem to suscribe to rss feed with other groups.
Any idea to solve it ?
Thanks for your help.
I changed "Library Reading" == "Anyone on the internet", and after that I did not get the "forbidden"-message anymore.