Error when syncing

When I try syncing bibliography after adding new citation, here is what zotero tells me :

"CSL error
TypeError: this.registry.citationreg.citationById[c[0]] is undefined
atarray citationsPre index 0, from citation at document position 11"

I use, Chrome, Zotero 5, Word.

Thanks a lot
  • Have you copied citations in this document, or into this document from somewhere else? If you have, did you do anything unusual when copying these citations? If you remove the copied citations, does it begin working?
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I did not copy citations from somewhere else though.
    However, Mac has been updated on my computer, but then I updated zotero and word as chrome extensions.
  • Ok thanks a lot
  • Hello,

    I did the errors report, here is my ID.
    By copying and duplicating, some of the citations are not taken in account anymroe. Only some were converetd to another style of bibliography.
  • Start by upgrading to Zotero 5.0.44 via Help → "Check for Updates…" and see if you still have trouble.
  • Hello,

    After having upgraded, I do still have problems when I change the style of the citations: Zotero adds citations in new style asked, in front of the ancient ones. Do you see any solution? Thanks a lot
  • I am exactly not sure what it is that you are referring to, but if you place the cursor in one of these inactive citations and press Add/Edit Citation do you get a dialog with the cited items, or is the dialog empty?
  • The dialog is empty then, if I place the cursor in one of the ancient ones. However, before refreshing or changing the style, these citations used to be active. They become inactive once I have refreshed or changed the style. I hope I am clearer now.
  • Are you saying that in a backup copy of the document, if you refresh or change citation styles, the previously-active citations become inactive? Or do you have two copies of the document? Are you storing references as Bookmarks?
  • In the actual copy of the document, the most recent one, if I refresh or change the citation styles, indeed the previously-active citations become inactive.
    If I paste the text in another word sheet, the same happens.
    I have not tried in former copies.

    I have one book, otherwise, it is references from journal articles.
  • The question is really whether the styles are already inactive at the point when you're trying to refresh or update them. Before refreshing, are the citations highlighted in gray, either all the time or when you click on them? If you right-click on one, do you see "Toggle Field Codes" as an option in the context menu?

    If not, the citations are already inactive — i.e., just plain text. That generally happens if you saved the document in another format, opened it in another tool (e.g., Google Scholar), or exchanged it with someone else who did so, and you'd want to check an older version of the document to see if you still have a copy where they're active (in which case you can copy and paste them into the latest version of the document).
  • Indeed, when I click on them before refreshing they are inactive. So how come, when I refresh, that Zotero puts new ones aside? And indeed, I exchanged the document with someone.
  • edited April 12, 2018
    That happens when you refresh or when you click Add/Edit Citation?

    Can you make a pre-refresh copy of the document, cut it down to a snippet that demonstrates the problem, and email it to with a link to this thread?
  • But if it's just that when you click Add/Edit Citation it adds a new number, it just means that you lost the field codes in the document, likely because the person you exchanged it with saved it in a different format or with a program that doesn't support fields.
  • That happens when I refresh. I will do so, thanks so much.
  • Then, when I add once again the citation, shouldn't the field codes stay for good? Because it happens agin when I refresh after having put new citations.
  • No, sorry, the snippet needs to be an actual Word file, not just a section that you copy and paste.
  • @solene%2Efrileux I took a look at your doc and I'm afraid I have no good news. The field codes in the document are corrupt, possibly a result of editing in LibreOffice, usage of track changes or failed syncing via services like Dropbox. You will have to manually fix the broken citations.

    I suggest enabling Field shading under Word Options -> Advanced -> Show document content by selecting the "Always" option. You will then be able to see which citations are correct and which ones miss the grey shading around them. In the snippet that you have sent there is a trace of the field that is invisible and immediately behind the citation text. E.g.
    of this population__invisible-field__(1,2).
    You will need to manually remove these invisible fields and reinsert the citations. If you press backspace to delete the citation text, after it is all gone, the next backspace press will turn the cursor grey, which indicates that the cursor is on the invisible field. You will need to press backspace again to remove the field code, after which you can reinsert the citation with Zotero, and that will make the citation text active and valid again. If you are comfortable with it, you can also toggle field-code display by pressing Alt+F9 (or Alt+Fn+F9, depending on your keyboard settings) and see the underlying codes and the problem, and remove the fields with the field-code display mode.
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