citationbyIndex undefined
Hey there, after my Zotero updated to Version 5.0.38 id suddendly does not work in my main document anymore. That means if I want to add a citation the error message citationByIndex[i].sortedItems undefined appears.
In other word documents it works, only in the most important one it doesnt.
thank you very much for your help
In other word documents it works, only in the most important one it doesnt.
thank you very much for your help
Never touch a running system....
I remembered that I previously copied a full sentence, including a citation, to another chapter of my word file. After deleting the copy the error is gone!
2) Word 15.33 is an old version of Word 2016, and if possible you should upgrade to the latest version (currently 16.11, unless this is a volume license).
1. Alt+F9, Ctrl+F - find all broken citations (with empty properties);
2. Change document preferences, save them, then restore my defaults for preferences and save them again (I changed the style).
Zotero doesn't ask the preferences any more, and the citations are added as usual.
1. open zotero
2. go to help
3. choose Logging Debuggin-Outputs
4. choose activate
5. do step 2 and 3 again and then click on "restart with activated logging".
After that I opened my wordfile again, refreshed zotero and it worked again.
Iknow that this sounds silly, but I couldn't find the help button on Zotero, also how to "Refresh" in the Zotero tab? I'm using Macbook. Thank you
It worked.
I am also receiving the same error message and can't seem to figure out what to do to insert a citation in my document. I have tried the suggestions listed on the forum without success.