Numbering citation

I have problem with numbering citation. I want to use the same number from one source but in different places in text. I'm using MS Word 2013. I was looking on the internet and I saw that there should be icon for adding already used citation but I don't have it. When I open word there are only few icons such as: add/edit citation, insert bibliography, edit bibliography and document preference.
Here is example: sentence No 1 (citation No1). sentence No2 (citation No2). sentence No3 (here I want to add again citation No1 but zotero gives me only No3)
Can somebody tell me how to add already used citation in my text so that same citation has same number in different places in text?
Thank you
  • which citation style are you using? A large number (including IEEE, Vancouver, and Nature amond those pre-installed) will do this automatically.
  • I'm using Chicago Style 16th edition (full note)
  • That style produces footnotes -- they're actually created by Word and are always sequential. Try one of the styles I suggest above (or any of the styles that you see when checking "numberic" on )
  • Ok. Than you for answering :)
  • I am having this same issue. I am using the style from Patient Education and Counseling. Can you please help!!!
  • I'm having a problem with the numbering of my citation using the Vancouver superscript style of referencing. I tried to cite an article more than once, whose numbering was 24 on my work but it keeps showing number 1 the second, third and fourth time I tried to cite it. Please I need advice on how to solve this
  • @nilodibia Better to start new discussions for issues . You're likely just seeing the effect of having auto-updating of citations turned off. See and enable under Document Preferences
  • @adamsmith. Thanks for your response and your advice. I just tried what you suggested and enabled the feature. I thought all the citations that showed up as No 1 will automatically update themselves and reflect the proper sequence but they still showed up as No 1. Am I to recite all the references that showed (1) all over?
  • Shouldn´t be necessary, no. What happens when you switch the citation style to something completely different and then back?
  • @adamsmith, I just tried your suggestion but it still cites subsequent articles with number 1.
  • and did the switching to something completely different change the citations or did they stay that way? Also, now that you have automatic updating enabled, do new citations come up as 2 (or whatever number in the sequence you are)?
  • @adamsmith. The citation changed completely, I changed to Harvard citation style and changed back to Vanvouver Super script style. The new citations still come up as 1. Please help me with suggestion as how to trouble shoot this. I'm helpless. Thanks in anticipation. This is a draft of how it shows on the word document. ("Transition readiness is defined as the specific decisions and actions made and taken in enhancing the competence of the adolescent and careproviders to prepare for, begin, continue, and finish the process of transition. 1
    The goals of transition programs are to provide continuity of care from childhood to adulthood and to adequately prepare youth with SCD to navigate the adult world. 1 The transition to adulthood represents a critical turning point in the life course 1")
  • What happens when you insert the bibliography? Do you get all the cited items or only a single one?
  • @adomasven . Thanks for your advice. I've tried it. It says I should insert a citation before performing this operation. I even restarted my computer.
  • Can you edit these citations after inserting them with Zotero by placing your cursor in them and pressing Add/Edit Citation? Does it work well in other documents?

    Could you produce a Debug ID from Zotero?

    1. In the Help menu, go to Debug Output Logging and select Enable.
    2. Add a citation into this document.
    3. Before doing anything else, return to Help → Debug Output Logging and click Submit Output, which will disable logging and submit the output to A window should pop up containing a Debug ID. Click “Copy to Clipboard” and paste the Debug ID into this forum thread.
  • @nilodibia Can you explain exactly how you are adding the citations to the document?
  • @fbennett. I place the cursor on the word document beside where I want to cite, click on the ‘zotero insert citation’ icon, when the window opens, I type the first three letters of the name of the author I want to cite, as soon as the full name with the actual article comes up, I click on enter and the article is cited.
  • @adomasven: Here is the Debug ID D41401819. Thanks for your assistance
  • @nilodibia

    1. Can you edit these citations after inserting them with Zotero by placing your cursor in them and pressing Add/Edit Citation?
    2. Does it work well in a new document?
  • I will just start afresh. Fortunately, I hadn't gone too far in writing this work. Will disable the zotero tool bar, delete the citations, copy and paste on a new document and try and insert the citations again. I really pray the problem doesn't repeat itself
    Cheers and thanks for all the suggestions.
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