Incorrect name format in citations

This discussion was created from comments split from: Available for beta testing: new PDF recognizer.
  • In the latest beta, Zotero doesn't appear to be respecting name formats in citations or bibliography. I have a modified Harvard CSL and I am getting full names in citations eg (Christian Fuchs & Daniel Trottier 2017) and first names first instead of last in bibliography:

    Christian Fuchs & Daniel Trottier 2017, ‘Internet surveillance after Snowden: A critical empirical study of computer experts’ attitudes on commercial and state surveillance of the Internet and social media post-Edward Snowden’, Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, vol. 15, no.4, pp. 412–444. Retrieved 24 March 2018, from (Atypon).

    Anyone else noticing this?
  • @citadel -- please start a new thread. You'll want to check how that data is input in Zotero, though; you need it to be in lastname, firstname format.
  • @adamsmith actually, i'm an idiot. I just checked and it hadn't been saved in lastname, firstname format. sorry!
  • Emerald has significant problems reporting author name data with their doi submissions. I find that sometimes they get lastname, firstname correctly. However all too often the last name and first name will be in a single field and could be in any order. For the last couple of years I've only had confidence after viewing the article pdf -- and even then my gut still questions the printed name order. The html version of the articles has names in any order. If I published an article in an Emerald Group journal with my name printed / reported incorrectly I would complain. Ithink it is notable that although there are many name errors, there are very few published corrections.

    Eneald group seemed, until recently, to be an excellent and careful publisher.
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