Bug: OpenOffice.org Spacing Switches from Double to Single After Citation Insert
Whenever I insert a citation, my line spacing switches from double to single. I did not encounter this problem when using Zotero 1.0. This problem only occurs when I am using the "Fields" option for citation type. (However, if I use the "Bookmarks" option, Zotero will delete [randomly] tables and pictures if they are inserted after the generated bibliography.)
I am using Zotero 3.5, OpenOffice 3.10, Zotero Office Integration 2.0a2, on Windows XP - service pack 3.
Thanks in advance for your attention to this problem.
I am using Zotero 3.5, OpenOffice 3.10, Zotero Office Integration 2.0a2, on Windows XP - service pack 3.
Thanks in advance for your attention to this problem.
adamsmithZotero reverts the paragraph back to the default style. If you ajust the style 'default' accordingly (i.e. 2spaced) the problem will go away.
mrmayfieldGreat! Thanks for the information on how to fix this issue.