problem with Zotero and BibTeX-Json

I am using Zotero 5.O on a Mac OS X 10.11.06. I have tried today to use to import massive references from a .docx document. It used to work very well on my laptop but today it doesn't work : my local Zotero can't import any file, neither in BibTex nor in Json. The message I receive is "The selected file isn't in a supported format". Any idea of what goes wrong ? What can prevent Zotero to identify and read BibTex ?
Thank you
  • This suggests that the BibTeX in the file is malformed. If you open the file and copy to the clipboard, then use Zotero's Import from Clipboard function, does it work? Can you post the file somewhere and link to it?
  • Thank you. I will try this way.
  • if it doesn't work, we'd want to see the bibtex in question
  • It doesn't work BUT it works with other bibliographical references parsed with anystyle (I have tried with several ones).
    Here is the problematic one, I think you are right, there is a problem with the file :

    author = {UNTERSTEINER, M.},
    date = {1993},
    title = {Les sophistes, t. 1, trad. de l’italien et présenté par Alonso Tordesillas, préf. de Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey ; 2nde éd. revue et notablement augmentée avec un appendice sur « Les origines sociales de la sophistique »},
    medium = {1967},
    publisher = {Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie},
    unmatched-author = {(trad.)},
    language = {fr},
    address = {Paris}

    The original reference is t :
    UNTERSTEINER, M. 1993 (trad.) : Les sophistes, t. 1, trad. de l’italien et présenté par Alonso Tordesillas, préf. de Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey ; 2nde éd. revue et notablement augmentée avec un appendice sur « Les origines sociales de la sophistique », Paris, 1993 [1967] (Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie).

    Could the problem take his origin in the double datation ?
  • It is the item type. If you replace the '1967' in the first line with 'book' or similar, it will import.
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