problem with Zotero and BibTeX-Json
I am using Zotero 5.O on a Mac OS X 10.11.06. I have tried today to use to import massive references from a .docx document. It used to work very well on my laptop but today it doesn't work : my local Zotero can't import any file, neither in BibTex nor in Json. The message I receive is "The selected file isn't in a supported format". Any idea of what goes wrong ? What can prevent Zotero to identify and read BibTex ?
Thank you
I am using Zotero 5.O on a Mac OS X 10.11.06. I have tried today to use to import massive references from a .docx document. It used to work very well on my laptop but today it doesn't work : my local Zotero can't import any file, neither in BibTex nor in Json. The message I receive is "The selected file isn't in a supported format". Any idea of what goes wrong ? What can prevent Zotero to identify and read BibTex ?
Thank you
Here is the problematic one, I think you are right, there is a problem with the file :
author = {UNTERSTEINER, M.},
date = {1993},
title = {Les sophistes, t. 1, trad. de l’italien et présenté par Alonso Tordesillas, préf. de Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey ; 2nde éd. revue et notablement augmentée avec un appendice sur « Les origines sociales de la sophistique »},
medium = {1967},
publisher = {Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie},
unmatched-author = {(trad.)},
language = {fr},
address = {Paris}
The original reference is t :
UNTERSTEINER, M. 1993 (trad.) : Les sophistes, t. 1, trad. de l’italien et présenté par Alonso Tordesillas, préf. de Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey ; 2nde éd. revue et notablement augmentée avec un appendice sur « Les origines sociales de la sophistique », Paris, 1993 [1967] (Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie).
Could the problem take his origin in the double datation ?