Vancouver Style, change from () to [] for citations

Hi, I'm using the stock Vancouver style that came with Zotero and I'm trying to add citations with the Zotero plugin for LibreOffice Writer. However it seem to use parenthesis instead of brackets.
How can I change the () to be [] instead?
I tried installing this third party style but it didn't fix it:
  • the brackets style is what you want. Have you actually switched to it? (Under Set Document Preferences in LibreOffice)
  • edited March 2, 2018
    Yeah I think so.

    If I go to Edit>Preference>Cite, I have the list of all installed styles. I can see both Vancouver and Vancoucer (brackets). If I open the tool called "Style Editor" I can switch beteween the two styles (or any other for that matter) to see the difference and yes, the original has () while the brackets have [] as ecpected. However If I close the tool and go back to the cite section in Zotero again where the list of styles are, I choose the one with brackets and press OK. Then I open up Libre office and it is still ().

    Just for testing, I tried switching to an entirely different style now, still uses Vancouver inside Libre. It is as if Zotero doesn't save the setting for me.
  • You need to change the style in LibreOffice by clicking the Document Preferences button in the Zotero toolbar (styles are set per document).
  • @dstillman -- this is a very frequent misunderstanding; at least the 5th time this has come up, so might be worth a UI change or at least a warning in the prefereces
  • Oh, now I see, thanks!
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