Style Request: [Vita e Pensiero author-date]

I am trying to get as close as possible to my publisher quite unusual citation rules.

Key elements:
- Bibliography: small caps names, initialized first names, all delimiters as commas, titles in italics and container with angle quotes («»)
- citations and reference list: author separators should be - , first mention should list all authors (up to five) subsequent should use et al.

You can find examples from the publisher at: e pensiero author-date.doc?dl=0
They are also a bit inconsistent throughout the instructions.

It looks most of the features would be ok with either Einaudi (Italian) or Civiltà Italiana (Italian). However:
- Civiltà italiana looks great, but it is a note style and I need an author-date style.
- Einaudi is author-date but there are a number of issues that I am unable to fix

As requested, I provide the Cambpell and Mares citations:

In-text citation:
(Campbell - Pedersen, 2007)
(Mares, 2001)

Bibliography (please note that names should be in _small caps_, except for initials initials in upercase)
CAMPBELL J. L. – PEDERSEN O. K. (2007), The Varieties of Capitalism and Hybrid Success: Denmark in the Global Economy, «Comparative Political Studies», 40 (3), pp. 307–32.
MARES I. (2001). Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?, in HALL P. A. - SOSKICE D. (a cura di), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 184–213.

I tried hard to edit Einaudi (Italian) but still having issues:
- citation disambiguation uses full first name
- unable to get original-date
- in book section I need (eds) instead of "edited by"


  • Hi @kalder if you have prepared your edited version of the Einaudi style then it will be easy to correct issues described in your post. Can you provide the code of your style on and post here the link?
  • Thank you @LiborA

    My attempts were quite minimal (I am not very skilled in editing styles) and still I am facing major issues. What puzzles me is that in-text citation disambiguation now includes full given name. I copied the same code of Chicago 17 (only initials) but still does not work.
  • OK:

    for firtst, change the URL "" in line 6 (it prevent to rewrite our styl by original Einadi style for mrepostiory.

    add full names: delete initialize-with=". " in line 35

    add original date: you have to use variable "original-date" but you have to define it in the Zotero in the extra field too. If I correctly understand the examples from the publisher in your first post then the correct structure is:
    AUTHOR (date), title (original-date), rest of info (e.g.
    W.G.CRANE (ed.) (1954), The Garden of Eloquence (1593), ...)
    I am right? If yes then create new macro:
    <macro name="title">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text variable="title"/>
    <text macro="orginal-date" font-style="normal"/>
    <macro name="orginal-date">
    <group prefix="(" suffix=")">
    <if is-uncertain-date="original-date">
    <text term="circa" form="short" suffix=" "/>
    <date variable="original-date">
    <date-part name="year" form="long"/>

    and for all potentialy affected types in the section bibliography change "text variable="title" to "text macro="title"

    add eds in book section: you have twice define term "editor" from short - line 19 and 27; correct it. In next step change macro "editor" to:

  • This is great! Thanks. Meanwhile, I have worked and fixed most of the issues. For the original date, I took the code from Chicago 17 which includes it also in the in-text citation. I have checked with the publisher and they should accept it.

    Only two major outstanding issues.

    ​1. In-text citation: disambiguation includes the whole first name of authors. Currently it does:

    (Alan A. Block, [1980] 1983; Carolyn R. Block - Block, 1993)

    and I would like:

    (A. Block, [1980] 1983; C. Block - Block, 1993)

    2. Bibliography does NOT order by date. It seems ordered by cited first. Currently it does:

    R. SCIARRONE (2008), L’organizzazione reticolare della ’ndrangheta, in A. DINO - L. PEPINO (a cura di), Sistemi criminali e metodo mafioso, Milano, FrancoAngeli, pp. 70–88.
    R. SCIARRONE (2011), Mafie, relazioni e affari nell’area grigia, in R. SCIARRONE (a cura di), Alleanze nell’ombra: Mafie ed economie locali in Sicilia e nel Mezzogiorno, Roma, Donzelli, pp. 3–48.
    R. SCIARRONE (1998), Mafie vecchie, mafie nuove: radicamento ed espansione, Roma, Donzelli Editore.
    R. SCIARRONE (2009), Mafie vecchie, mafie nuove. Radicamento ed espansione, Donzelli Editore.

    I would like:
    R. SCIARRONE (1998), Mafie vecchie, mafie nuove: radicamento ed espansione, Roma, Donzelli Editore.
    R. SCIARRONE (2008), L’organizzazione reticolare della ’ndrangheta, in A. DINO - L. PEPINO (a cura di), Sistemi criminali e metodo mafioso, Milano, FrancoAngeli, pp. 70–88.
    R. SCIARRONE (2009), Mafie vecchie, mafie nuove. Radicamento ed espansione, Donzelli Editore.
    R. SCIARRONE (2011), Mafie, relazioni e affari nell’area grigia, in R. SCIARRONE (a cura di), Alleanze nell’ombra: Mafie ed economie locali in Sicilia e nel Mezzogiorno, Roma, Donzelli, pp. 3–48.

    Please find the updated code at:
  • On line 163 change givenname-disambiguation-rule="primary-name" to givenname-disambiguation-rule="primary-name-with-initials"
    I have no problem with sorting of bibliography, it works correctly for me.
  • Thanks so much. Disambiguation works like this:
    (AA Block, [1980] 1983; AA Block - Chambliss, 1981)
    I would like to add ". " after the initials, so to have
    (A. A. Block, [1980] 1983; A. A. Block - Chambliss, 1981
    How can I do?

    I tried to refresh the bibliography AND to change to Chicago 17 and APA6. I still have sorting problems with my edited style. Chicago 17 and APA6 (both author-date) work fine. Interestingly, the problem remains also with Chicago 17 full note.
    I have also tried in a fresh document, inserting about 15-20 citations. And still get the bad sorting with the draft style and Chicago 17 full note...
  • initialize-with=". "
  • Great! It works now. Thank you, @LiborA
    Any idea about the sorting issue?

  • The sorting works in my test, so currently I have no idea.
  • Thanks.
    I have now noticed that in MS Word all italics are removed. In the style preview everything looks fine. Any idea?
  • MS Word does not remove formatting defined by the style template. Do you see this behaviour also in the new document?
  • Yes, I do. I have just copied and pasted the whole thing (except bibliography) into fresh word document. I clicked on the add bibliography button, waited a while (it takes a lot) and then get the bibliography as expected, except for NO italics
  • OK. can you provide your actual style on the I have to test it.
  • After some trials, it works but just sometimes...
    However, no trials actually solved the sorting issue. Bibliography sorting continues to be very inconsistent. I cannot understand whether it is by order of citation or else. Could you please try entering multiple works of the same authors (different document types, single and co-authored works etc.) and see if you see that too?
    This is possibly very problematic...
  • OK. It seems as your current macro "year-date" are not correctly used for sorting and bibliography is sorted by authors and titles only. I have to say that I do not why. Maybe it is a bug in the CSL processor maybe something else (@fbennett can you look at it? thanks). Try to add new macro to your style:
    <macro name="year-sort">
    <if variable="issued">
    <date variable="issued">
    <date-part name="year" form="long"/>
    <text term="no date"/>

    and in the sorting part of citation change <key macro="year-date"/> to <key macro="year-sort"/>
  • edited February 26, 2018
    It worked!!!

    Thank you very much!!
  • @LiborA The failure of the sort in that macro year-date isn't a bug, really. When macros are given as sort keys, and the macro contains a date, the first date encountered is used as the key, and all other content in the block is ignored. In this case that was original-date, which was probably empty for most entries.
  • @fbennett thanks for explanation.
  • edited March 1, 2018
    Hello, all is fine.
    I just realized that the style does not provide for the edition in the bibliography. And the publisher wants it.
    I have tried to borrow the code from Chicago 17 author-date. I have copied the following macro:

    and also included the

    in the bibliography section. However, the style does not update in the style editor. There must be something wrong...
    Thanks in advance
  • Alright, I do not know how to post code into the comments :S
  • <code> Your code goes here</code>
  • It is easier for us if you post whole style template on and describe what exactly should see the output from style template.
  • Thanks and sorry for the mess. I will give it a last try and come back in case of troubles.
    Many thanks again

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