Authors: Order and initials
Hi. Thanks to the Zotero team and for the support in this area.
I learning the language to create some styles. For now, I have some questions that I can't resolve with the on-line documentation. I'm not a programmer, so I proceed by try and error and by observation other styles. The questions, are about "Author" field.
- How CSL manage the order of 'last' and 'first' names.
- How CSL manage the initials of first names.
If you have some other documentanation to learn about Zotero Styles (other than Zotero's web site) it can help me/us.
Thanks in advance.
I learning the language to create some styles. For now, I have some questions that I can't resolve with the on-line documentation. I'm not a programmer, so I proceed by try and error and by observation other styles. The questions, are about "Author" field.
- How CSL manage the order of 'last' and 'first' names.
- How CSL manage the initials of first names.
If you have some other documentanation to learn about Zotero Styles (other than Zotero's web site) it can help me/us.
Thanks in advance.
But regarding your second question, I don't know how to actually solve this, so I'd also be interested in a solution. As far as I understood the documentation, the "form" attribute allows for "long", which is "Some Author", and "short", which is "Author". But there are styles that require "S. Author". Is this currently possible in Zotero/CSL?
If it isn't, maybe one should allow form to have more possible values. E.g. "abbreviated". Or, if this is relevant, "abbrev-first" (for "S. Author") and "abbrev-all" (for "S. A.").
I'm not very familiar with this part of the kit yet, but I remember there is an "initialize-with" attribute that seems meant to serve this purpose (it takes the punctuation, if any, to follow the initials as its argument).
of course your totally right. I just missed that. Thanks for the hint!