How does one drag and drop PDFs onto references in large collections?
Here's my problem:
I have used the Zotero browser plugin to add a PDF to my library.
Now I want to attach it to the corresponding entry (which I imported from Bibtex). My problem is that there seems to be no way to get the icon for the pdf and the icon for the zotero entry to appear on the screen at the same time.
The entry is in an enormous collection, and the pdf is in the "Unfiled" folder. I don't see how to display both of these folders at the same time so I can drag and drop. Looking at the menus, I don't see any way to open a second Zotero window, nor do I see a way to split the Zotero window into multiple panes. I tried dragging the PDF into the enormous collection folder, but now it's all the way at the bottom of the list, and the corresponding reference is many screens up.
If I can't get the 2 icons on the same screen, I don't see how to drag and drop.
If I can't drag and drop, I don't see how to do the attachment otherwise: the attachment menu only offers "stored file" which just points into a random place in my filesystem, URI, or attach link to file. None of these seems to be what I want.
This seems like a really obvious question, but I have no idea what the answer would be...
I have used the Zotero browser plugin to add a PDF to my library.
Now I want to attach it to the corresponding entry (which I imported from Bibtex). My problem is that there seems to be no way to get the icon for the pdf and the icon for the zotero entry to appear on the screen at the same time.
The entry is in an enormous collection, and the pdf is in the "Unfiled" folder. I don't see how to display both of these folders at the same time so I can drag and drop. Looking at the menus, I don't see any way to open a second Zotero window, nor do I see a way to split the Zotero window into multiple panes. I tried dragging the PDF into the enormous collection folder, but now it's all the way at the bottom of the list, and the corresponding reference is many screens up.
If I can't get the 2 icons on the same screen, I don't see how to drag and drop.
If I can't drag and drop, I don't see how to do the attachment otherwise: the attachment menu only offers "stored file" which just points into a random place in my filesystem, URI, or attach link to file. None of these seems to be what I want.
This seems like a really obvious question, but I have no idea what the answer would be...
An upcoming version of Zotero will offer the ability to try to automatically retrieve the PDF for an item in your library.
@dstillman I don't know that much about the internals of Zotero, so this might be a dumb suggestion, but how about:
1. Changing the wording on the command item to be less ambiguous. "Adding a link to a URI" seems odd since, after all, a URI IS a link. Could we say "Add URI to Zotero record" or something like that?
2. Would it be possible to also add "Download and attach pdf," and have a command that does that by interaction with the browser? Or have the browser be able to stuff the URI into Zotero and then Zotero download and attach to the current record?
2. So you're saying you have the URL for a PDF and want attach that PDF to a Zotero item? I think that'd be feasible technically, but I'm worried about getting this across in a UI. It will also become even less important once the functionality that Dan mentions above is implemented:
I was confused by the use of the word "link" here, because I thought it just meant "URL," but instead it means "a Zotero entity that is a link."
I still think it's a little confusing if one doesn't have a clear understanding of the Zotero internals, but I now see why it's the way it is.
(An "Attach File from URL…" option in Zotero wouldn't work much of the time because of paywalls.)