Citation Error
Some of my references are being cited wrong. I want APA format and I have four authors in one paper, Zotero cites the last name of all authors instead of giving only first one (First et al. ,1999) . Whis is this happening? Thank you
Some of my references are being cited wrong. I want APA format and I have four authors in one paper, Zotero cites the last name of all authors instead of giving only first one (First et al. ,1999) . Whis is this happening? Thank you
for example, it shows like this
Berry, R. (2011). Assessment for learning: Research and policy in the (Dis) United Kingdom. London, UK: Springer.
instead of like this
Berry, R. (2011). Assessment for learning: Research and Policy in the (Dis) United
Kingdom. London, UK: Springer
How can I change that automatically? Thanks
Please give me instruction to correct APA style because I do not know to list up to five authors the first time an item is cited.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,