Report ID: 1941833129

I'm trying to save something from ProQuest Congressional and it keeps giving me an error saying "An error occurred while saving this item." I'm running Zotero and Chrome v. 64.0.3282.119 (just updated 5 minutes ago) on Mac OS 10.13.2.
  • Do these entries have proquest IDs or permalinks you could provide?
  • Hi. Sorry. I moved on to other things and failed to save the URL. It seems to be a kind of random error. Most of what I tried to save from ProQuest worked fine. Only two failed to save. If I hit another one, I'll save the URL and send it to you. Thanks!
  • ProQuest does tend to lock you out if you are trying to save many items repeatedly because it thinks you are an automated bot. Given what you are seeing, I think that might have been what was happening.
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