"code is not defined" error


I'm working on a Word document, and today it will not allow me to add or edit a Zotero citation. First, it gave the "cannot connect, please open Zotero" message even though Zotero was already open. I tried restarting Zotero, reinstalling the Word plugin, and restarting my computer.

After those steps, I received a different error message from the Word plugin:

Zotero experienced an error updating your document.

code is not defined

When I clicked over to Zotero, I got the spinning wheel and then a similar error message saying there was a Zotero integration error: code is not defined.

> I was having tons of problems with Excel and day before yesterday uninstalled and reinstalled Microsoft Office. I have not had problems since, and did work on this document after that.
> Track changes is not enabled
> I am running Word 15.41, High Sierra 10.13.2, and Zotero 5.0.35 (beta)

I submitted a report:
Report ID: 1109544001

Thank you!
  • Likely related to running the Zotero beta version. Is that on purpose?

    (Also, make sure to _not_ update Word to the most recent 16.9 version)
  • I don't remember - I think I switched to beta at one point to get access to a feature or configuration I needed.

    Can you remind me how I would turn that off and/or downgrade to the last stable version?

    And yes - I just saw all the problems with the Word update minutes before I was prompted to install it! I'll definitely hold off and alert my colleagues as well.
  • You can just re-install Zotero from https://www.zotero.org/download/ and that'll do both downgrade and take you off the beta track. It will keep your data in place
  • Wow, it worked - thank you!
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