Editing CSL: Removing citation number in bibliography

I've edited the IEEE CSL to personal preference so I can use it for a publication list in a CV.
How can I remove the citation number for each reference in the bibliography?

Here's my code:

Thanks in advance!
  • Delete line 229
  • I've tried that, but my whole bibliography gets deleted as well
  • Deleting of line 229 cannot delete your bibliography. This line really writes only the citation number in the output.
  • edited January 17, 2018
    There are next recomendations:
    1. In line 5 and 6 change "http://www.zotero.org/styles/ieee" to "http://www.zotero.org/styles/cv_edited" - it prevents to rewriting your style by IEEE from Zotero repository
    2. In line 226 delete "second-field-align="flush"

    The output from your style looks like:

    L. Ansorge and T. Beránková, LCA Water Footprint AWARE characterization factor based on local specific conditions, European Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 13–20, (2017).
    L. Ansorge and J. Dlabal, Comparative water scarcity footprint study of two nuclear power plants, Scientific Review - Engineering and Environmental Sciences, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 489–497, (2017).
    L. Ansorge, J. Dlabal, and A. Dostálová, How truthful are water accounting data?, Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 25–34, (Aug. 2016).

  • It sounds like your style might not be valid CSL (that’s the only reason that deleting line 229 would remove the Bibliogrpahy). Check it by running it through http://validator.citationstyles.org/
  • It says Line 191: premature end of file (found “[EOF]”), how can I fix this?
  • edited January 18, 2018
    dw, fixed, my code is valid, but the bibliography still disappears :/
  • What was the issue out of curiosity?
  • Must've been my mistake; I got an error after pasting in the CSL compared to uploading the file.
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