Word keeps crashing
A couple of days ago I updated Zotero, and ever since Word keeps crashing. It'll work fine for a couple of hours and then - once I insert a citation (not always though - it crashes.
I get an error box stating: Zotero experienced an error updating your document. The remote procedure call failed. [insertFieldRaw:document.cpp]
The log file states the same:
[JavaScript Error: "The remote procedure call failed.
[JavaScript Error: "The RPC server is unavailable.
version => 5.0.33, platform => Win32, oscpu => Windows NT 10.0; WOW64, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 5.0.33, extensions => Zotero LibreOffice Integration (5.0.8.SA.5.0.33, extension), Zotero Word for Windows Integration (5.0.6.SA.5.0.33, extension)
I filed the error as 535023797
Is this a known issue?
I get an error box stating: Zotero experienced an error updating your document. The remote procedure call failed. [insertFieldRaw:document.cpp]
The log file states the same:
[JavaScript Error: "The remote procedure call failed.
[JavaScript Error: "The RPC server is unavailable.
version => 5.0.33, platform => Win32, oscpu => Windows NT 10.0; WOW64, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 5.0.33, extensions => Zotero LibreOffice Integration (5.0.8.SA.5.0.33, extension), Zotero Word for Windows Integration (5.0.6.SA.5.0.33, extension)
I filed the error as 535023797
Is this a known issue?
(3)(+0437795): Integration: Instantiating @zotero.org/Zotero/integration/application?agent=WinWord;1 for command addEditCitation with doc https://d.docs.live.net/[...]/Scriptie/Scriptie\Scriptie versie 24-december 3.docx
(4)(+0000045): ZoteroWinWordIntegration: getDocumentData
(4)(+0000018): ZoteroWinWordIntegration: cursorInField
(4)(+0000662): ZoteroWinWordIntegration: canInsertField
(4)(+0000014): ZoteroWinWordIntegration: cursorInField
(4)(+0000302): ZoteroWinWordIntegration: insertField
(4)(+0009903): ZoteroWinWordIntegration: displayAlert
(1)(+0012059): The remote procedure call failed. [insertFieldRaw:document.cpp]
(4)(+0000005): ZoteroWinWordIntegration: cleanup
(1)(+0000001): The RPC server is unavailable. [cleanup:document.cpp]
Exception thrown at 0x0F4063ED (WWLIB.DLL) in WINWORD.EXE: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000074.