APA Citation Style - capitalization
When importing a reference into Zotero, book titles are capitalized, even if the original source is not. Then, when I create a bibliography using APA style, the capitalization is retained - although APA style calls for capitalizing only the first word, the first word following a colon, and proper nouns.
Switch extensions.zotero.capitalizeTitles to false.
You can also use Zotero's transform text function on titles already in your library. Just right click on titles and change to sentence case.
If you want to force sentence case in all your citations you can add
to the this line in your APA CSL<text variable="title" and font-style="italic"/>
That'll save me a lot of time. Thanks!
One other thing: The transform text function doesn't seem to have 'sentence case' option -- just Title Case and lower case (which removes all caps, including that of the first word). Can anyone advise, please? (I'm using 1.5b2)
<text variable="title" and font-style="italic" text-case="sentence"/>
and you should validate your style to make sure you had no typos.Thanks for giving the code for the CSL. Sorry to be really dim, but can you tell me please where exactly that line should go? Thanks!
In 1.5, you can edit the apa.csl file within the 'styles' directory of your Zotero data directory.
<text variable="title"
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: file:///C:/Users/Marc/Desktop/APA-no-doi2.csl
Line Number 231, Column 83: <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" text- case="sentence"/>
i did the editing in word pad. Do i need another program? Is this ability only present in Zotero 1.5? i am using Zotero 1.0.9. Also i could not figure out where the transform text function might be. Is that also only for version 1.5? i have over 450 sources so any help would be greatly appreciated. See my modification to CSL below but i noticed in the preview it does not show how case="sentence"/> ends up on a separate line to the far left. Thanks, marc williams
<option name="hanging-indent" value="true"/>
<option name="et-al-min" value="6"/>
<option name="et-al-use-first" value="6"/>
<option name="entry-spacing" value="0"/>
<key macro="author"/>
<key variable="issued"/>
<layout suffix=".">
<text macro="author" suffix="."/>
<text macro="issued" suffix=" "/>
<group delimiter=". ">
<text macro="title"/>
<text macro="container-contributors"/>
<text macro="secondary-contributors"/>
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" text- case="sentence"/>
<text variable="collection-title"/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<group delimiter=". " prefix=". ">
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="access"/>
The safest option for now is to (semi-manually) change the titles in your Zotero library to sentence case (it's easier to automatically convert from sentence case to title or lower case than vice versa). You can right-click title fields in the Info tab in the right column of Zotero and select "Transform Text" > "lower case", and then make corrections where necessary. That's how I currently curate my library.