SBL page range not appearing in first reference

I have the SBL 2nd edition and latest zotero. On first reference, shouldn't the footnote have the page range in addition to the specific number of the reference. On subsequent entries then you don't need the page range. However, zotero only gives the page number reference and takes out page range. It does it on both articles and book sections. Help?
  • Are you sure that should be the case? Can you point to the part of the style guide that says the page range should be included and not only the specific referenced page?
  • I looked for it and couldn't find it. However my advisor said that is the accepted style. I could argue with her?
  • So yes - it doesn't say that initial pg number be included on the first reference; however, my advisor insists that I do so. I talked with her this morning. The last dissertation that was handed in did not do so and the readers required the person go back and fix everyone. Is there a way to fix this automatically? Or am I going to have to remove codes and do it all manually?
  • It's certainly possible, but it involves editing the SBL style -- the main action there is around the "point-locators" macro, but might need some fiddling to get exactly right.
    This is a starting point:
  • Under inline citations, and then point locations, under the conditional for journal articles, I added another node with the pages variable. When creating a citation, if we don't fill in the page box, this shows 2 ranges e.g. 231-235, 231-235 which I believe the code is deriving from the citation/article itself (pages in the journal). If we do enter a page # when making the citation, then it shows it twice e.g. 231, 231.

    I'm trying to figure out how to get it to show the page range (even if something is entered in the page box when creating a citation), and then also show the page number that is entered in the page box. Not quite sure if I can use a variable in some other way to accomplish this?
  • The key part is this:
    locator is what you put into the citation box -- so this says that the pages are printed where no locator is given -- it sounds like you just added this a second time.
  • edited November 23, 2017
    I don't quite understand "locator is what you put into the citation box"?

    Nope. I'm using the visual editor, but if I switch to code editor the changes I made resulted in this:

    security settings won't let me insert xml and I don't know how to embed it with any escape characters for whatever this editor supports - so this is flattened. The key part is where I've added an extra text variable = "page"

    macro name="pages"
    if type="article-journal"
    text variable="page" prefix=": "
    text variable="page"
    else-if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any"
    text variable="page" prefix=", "

    When I do an inline citation the zotero search bar comes up, I enter the article, I select the article, then I can click on it and a little box comes up that enables me to enter additional info including page and suffix. If I enter a page number there, then only it shows. If I don't, then the page range shows. I want both.

    So, I tried to simply put another element that refers to the page variable. But this variable value is set by what I enter into that box in the UI. Specifically, if I don't enter anything then the code is grabbing that data from the article entry in my library (i.e. the page range) and defaulting to that. If I enter a page number, then the page variable is set to that value. Thus, by simply adding another text varaible page entry, I'm just entering the variable value twice...i.e. the page range shows twice, or the page number shows twice.

    I'm trying to figure out - how do I make the page range show up and also the page number show up.

    One fix is to just enter the page number as a suffix. However, I already have several inline citations that I want to update. Zotereo actually used to render the style in the manner I describe but a recent update changed this and I'm trying to make it go back.

    My only other ideas are to dig through the code to see how the page variable default value is set and create a new variable in CSL to try and do the same thing but don't name it page.

    Or, if I could figure out some other trick in the CSL to just make it do what I need that would be great.
  • then I can click on it and a little box comes up that enables me to enter additional info including page and suffix.
    That's what I was referring to above -- the page that you enter there is a "locator" for CSL purposes, which is what triggers the behavior you're seeing based on the code line I link to.

    (You can wrap code in <code> and </code> html tags)
  • O.k., so, any advice?

    I'm trying to get the page range then the page number to show up, e.g. "231-235, 233."

    With this change I made the variable value for page I enter is just showing up twice (either page range if I enter nothing, or the page number if I enter one):

    <macro name="pages">
    <if type="article-journal">
    <text variable="page" prefix=": "/>
    <text variable="page"/>
    <else-if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
    <text variable="page" prefix=", "/>
  • Page shows up twice because you list it twice, literally:
    <text variable="page" prefix=": "/>
    <text variable="page"/>

    Remove one of them.
    I'm surprised the page number you enter would show up twice, though, that shouldn't be the case unless you made an analogous change referring to the locator.
  • Yes, I understand that. The pages showing up twice is not the problem. I can easily remove one but that will revert the style to the original. I am trying to get the page range to show up and then also the page number. Do you have any advice for how to make that happen?
  • The CSL variable for the page number (the one you enter in the Add Citation field) is called locator. Add that in the relevant place in the style, and it will show up. Search in the existing style and you will see where it currently is.
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