"b" after date in citation, WHY?

Please could some helpme with my ZOTERO citations. As I add citation, I'm getting a b after the date in the citation. Why is this?
  • the b after the date suggests that a citation by the same author in the same year is already in the document -- potentially a duplicate.
  • thanks. i'll check that out.
    Also, wanted to know how to get citation tool to work with institutional docs.
    First citation spell out organisation name, then second citation should use abbreviation. (eg. United Nations Evnvironmental Programme - UNEP)..
    How do I do this?

    I'm a complete newbie to ZOTERO, thanks for the help.
  • You can use the Abbreviations plugin for that. But I usually just always cite the abbreviation as the author and then put the full name as the publisher of the report (if you are using APA style, this violates the style a little, but no journal has ever minded this for me). Alternatively, still put abbreviation as the author, then enter the full name as a prefix or suffix.
  • Thanks bwiernik. Where do I find the abbreviations plugin?
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