Google Scholar Library Translator Broken
I teach Zotero workshops at my university, and this question came to me from a workshop attendee. She is unable to directly import from a Google Scholar Library to her Zotero library using the browser connector. When I replicate her issue, I too get a translator error in Google Scholar. I have tried from both Chrome and FF on two different computers, and I have tried resetting my translators. While she can export her Google Scholar library as a Refman/RIS file and import it into Zotero, that approach does not import the PDFs from her Google Scholar library. I'm not sure if this is something that broke in the new version of Google Scholar, but wanted to see if there might be a solution to this problem that I haven't tried yet, or if a translator fix might be in the works.
Thanks so much for your time and all the work you put into making Zotero a great tool. - hannah
Thanks so much for your time and all the work you put into making Zotero a great tool. - hannah
adamsmithThis may well be broken -- are these public? Could you link to such a library?
adamsmithNevermind -- turns out I had created one for testing previously. I can replicate this. We'll work on a fix.
hannahgrThanks! (Because - no, I don't believe you can publicly share a My Library from Google Scholar. Or at least, I was trying and failing.)
adamsmithTicket here: