Linking date for in-text CMoS citations
Hi, I'm working on a scientific chapter written in the CMoS style using the author-date format. In this style, there are two ways to reference an article, as illustrated by the following example:
Please help. Thanks.
It appears that Zotero will always cite using the (author date) notation. How can I link to an article using the other notation, i.e. "Recently, author (year) did ..." ?? If I don't add a reference to this sentence then my bibliography might be incomplete. However if I cite at the end of the sentence using the other notation, then the sentence will include the reference twice.Recently, Zheng et al (2015) reported a detection limit of 200 SPIO labeled cells with MPI (scan time: 20s), in comparison MRI has a sensitivity of about 104 cells (acquisition time: minutes to hours) (Nguyen et al 2014).
Please help. Thanks.
EDIT: Or alternatively, use multiple citation styles within the same document. For instance, could I insert a section break, add the table using a "CMoS (author-date, no brackets)" style (which doesn't exist so I'd have to create it), then insert another section break and switch back to the normal CMoS style? Or is this going to mess with my list of references?
Well, as a suggestion, adding an "Omit Brackets" checkbox to Zotero, similar to the "Suppress Author" option, might come in handy sometimes.
See the section on "Tables and Figures".
Hence, to be compliant with their requirements, it would be nice if there were some way to add citations without brackets or parentheses.