Framework / Xpath return type?
I'm writing my first translator using Scaffold 3.0 with Framework enabled. I'm a professional programmer, but I haven't done much javascript, so I'm a bit lost why I can't use string manipulation functions (+, split(), replace(), etc) on the results of FW.Xpath().text().
What is the return type of FW.Xpath().text()? Or, better yet, how can convert it to a string object so that I can use the string methods with it?
What is the return type of FW.Xpath().text()? Or, better yet, how can convert it to a string object so that I can use the string methods with it?!searchin/zotero-dev/framework$20xpath|sort:relevance/zotero-dev/Gzi7zVmw2PI/HtXzTDFqJHUJ