experienced error updating document

I keep getting the error "experienced error updating document" and I have no idea what to do. this is happening also in am empty file.
I reported the error and got Report ID: 1630203639

  • You should start by upgrading to Zotero 5.0, which includes updated word processor plugins.
  • I started with that but it didn't help
  • We'd need to see another Report ID from 5.0 trying to insert into a new document.
  • I have the same problem, i have to uninstall. I read that word plugging work with zotero 4.0, but i can find a link to download it safely.
    Please help, I need this extension as soon as posible.

  • What do you mean by "the same problem"? Could you describe what's actually happening (or not) in your case. And no, using the 4.0 version almost certainly wouldn't help, so I wouldn't spend time on trying to downgrade.
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