Couldn't run Version 1.0.0b4.r3

After installing this update Zotero isn't running anymore -- with the message:

XML-Verarbeitungsfehler: Undefinierte Entität
Adresse: chrome://zotero/content/preferences/preferences.xul
Zeile Nr. 165, Spalte 5: <label value="&zotero.preferences.quickCopy.defaultOutputFormat;" control="quickCopy-menu"/>

So I cannot use my library. How can I reinstall die older version?
  • i have met the same error. can anybody tell me how to make it work on my computer?
    My computer's configuration: firefox, windows xp professional .
  • There was a problem with non-English locales in 1.0.0b4.r3. Please grab the latest version from the home page and install that over your current version. Let me know if that works.

  • edited April 28, 2007
    I installed version 1.0.0b4.r3. Zotero started, but a new error has occured:

    [JavaScript Error: "_items[row.itemID] has no properties" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/data_access.js" line: 2639}]

    I still cannot use my library. Should I re-install the older version after all, but how?
    By the way, I use Zotero with Firefox, Windows XP home edition.
  • edited April 30, 2007
    The last zotero-update blocks my firefox browser!
    Re-installing doesn't work because firefox doesn't start properly. The only thing I see is this message:

    XML-Verarbeitungsfehler: Undefinierte Entität
    Adresse: chrome://zotero/content/upgrade.xul
    Zeile Nr. 75, Spalte 16: <description>&zotero.upgrade.newVersionInstalled;</description>
    Has anybody any suggestion?
  • edited May 1, 2007
    I found the solution by myself :-) :
    Using MacOS X, first, search zotero using spotlight. The file can be found at Users/.../Library/Application support/firefox/profiles. Open profile, than delete the file 'zotero' to the basket. Afterwards, start firefox browser. This will generate a new zotero file. After proceeding this, firefox AND zotero work well so far...

    Edit from May 1st: Please take care that this solution will delete your Zotero folder, too, as Dan added in his comment below!
  • edited April 30, 2007
    Colso: Please be sure you're using the latest version, 1.0.0b4.r5, available from the front page. The undefined entity problem in the upgrade wizard was fixed a few days ago.

    Also, just so it's clear to everybody, deleting the 'zotero' folder as colso suggests will wipe out the entire Zotero DB. The only reason that seemed to avoid the undefined entity problem in 1.0.0b4.r3 is because the upgrade wizard doesn't run on a new install.
  • Thanks, Dan, for your additional comment and warning, I added it to my recent comment, too. For me, the prior goal was to get firefox work again. I had to choose this rough method, not being aware of the deletion of DB, because I did not find any other suggestion for this problem in the forum threads.

    My install of zotero was not that new, so I guess there must have been problems with older installation, too.
    Today, I updated to the latest version, using the upgrade wizard from firefox. Yet, without any problems.
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