error 003811975 : I can't synce my data on Zotero 5 with my library online bibliotdv
As I wanted to synce my datas on Zotero 5 offline with my library online thanks to the Firefox connector, the syncing failed with this error message "Item collection 306 not found" ID 003811975 : . This has just happened although I have already done syncings on Zotero 5 and that I have never had an error message of this type.
Thank you in advance for your help,
Thanks a lot
This error occurs regularly . Last one report ID 696252779. It seems it happens when I delete or rename a collection. If I restart Zotero as you advised me, It works but It is a bit painful because I have a fairly large database and loading is long at each reopening! Do you have a solution?
Thanking you in advance