Sort order in bibliography


I have a problem with the sort order of author names in the bibliography. For example, "van der Aalst" is listed among the authors starting with "A", and not among those with a "V" (which would be the desired behavior for me). Is there any option I can include in my csl file to change this?

Thank you :)
    has the details - I'm still finding my way with some of the newer features, so I can't give you actual code, but if you can't figure it out from the just ask here and Rintze or Frank will surely be glad to help.
  • CSL 1.0 should be able to produce the exact effect you're after, both in sort ordering and the display of names. The options (set by an attribute to the top-level "style" element) are documented here:

    (Scroll down to "Sorting order of latin/Cyrillic names")
  • Could it be that this feature stopped working? After two years I re-opened my thesis - and I am pretty sure I didn't change any CSL code in the meantime. But when I refreshed the bibliography I fount that "De Waal" is now listed under "D" and "Van Deth" under "V". In my printed thesis it is the other way around...

    I tried Chicago (denote-non-dropping-particle="display-and-sort") and KZfSS (denote-non-dropping-particle="sort-only"). Shouldn't both have the effect I want to see, namely ignoring "De" and "Van" when sorting the bibliography?
  • @adamsmith answered in another thread:

    "Zotero expects non-dropping particles to be added in lowercase, i.e. Van Deth is treated differently from van Deth. I get the expected sort&display behavior using the latter."

    So the solution would be to use lower case letters for the particles.
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