Can't save modified PDF due to file locking

I'm using Zotero Standalone 5.0-beta.176+d8fed09 on Windows.
After reading and commenting, I can't directly save PDF file, because Zotero has occupied it.
When using Zotero in Firefox, I haven't meet such problem. Is there any solution?
  • Could you be more specific? What exactly is happening? What exact steps are you taking, and what is happening?
  • 1.Open PDF file through double click in Zotero;
    2.Modify PDF, e.g. add comments;
    3.Try to save PDF;
    Acrobat notice that some process is occupied this PDF file.
    4.Close Zotero;
    5.Try to save PDF again;
  • Thanks. Can you provide a Report ID?

    I can't reproduce this on Windows 7 and the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader. It seems to want to save the file elsewhere for some reason, but if I persist and overwrite the original file, it saves successfully with Zotero still open.
  • Yes, I could save file to other place and manually move to overwrite the original file.

    Report ID is: 923306674

    Thank you.
  • edited April 13, 2017
    No, that's not what I mean — I'm just choosing the current location in Acrobat's custom save window (which pops up despite my doing a normal Save, not Save As), then getting a normal Windows save dialog, choosing the current file again, and then confirming that I want to replace the file. This is all with Acrobat Reader. I'm not getting the error you're getting.
  • Ok. I tried this as you, but at last step (choose original file and confirm to replace), Acrobat Reader notify "Can't save" again.
  • (there's a way to set up Acrobat reader to default to saving the style to the current location -- don't have time to dig it up right now, but there is a thread both here and on the Adobe forum on this. Not sure this will solve the problem described, but it's definitely more convenient when working with Acrobat)
  • You mean this thread?
    Obviously, they are not same problem.
    Thank you all the same.
  • edited April 13, 2017
    I had the same problem as elxy a few days ago, everytime I closed Zotero, save my PDF, open Zotero and then I continued in my work.
  • After updating Zotero to 5.0-beta.180+de7b56b, the above problem is solved.
    Thanks to all!
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