What is the expected user process for PDFs?

I think it is not clear from your videos and documentation what precise actions the user should take to take a paper's Web page and download the PDF and citation data into Zotero. The documentation and examples talk about automatic site recognition, but what about sites which are not recognized (i.e. most sites)?

Given that:

1. User arrives at a journal paper's Web page, and sees the volume/page data, the abstract, keywords, and links to a PDF and the citation data.

2. User finds that, for whatever reason, Zotero does not import these items automagically.

How is the User to download these items? Manually, one by one, using cut and paste? Perhaps Zotero could provide the ability to highlight text, right click to select a target field from a pop-up list, and let the data be copied into the target field?

I already have over 30GB of PDFs named according to a specific pattern. Could you please allow users to rename PDFs prior to downloading into Zotero?

Shouldn't Zotero capture the citation file as it is downloaded. What seems to be downloaded right now is a *link* to the page with the download button.

Thanks to the developers for a revolutionary product!
  • for renaming - you can rename files attached to a zotero item by clicking on them and then right-clicking their title in the right panel. (there is a check box that lets you decide if you also want to rename the file.)
    You could also check out Josua's Zotfile plugin:
    (works only with 1.5b version)

    as for workflow:
    if Zotero doesn't import the data, there are two issues:
    1. you need the citation data
    2. you need the attachment (usually .pdf)

    For 1. there is no perfect solution - if you do have a .pdf it's probably a good idea to try the extract Metadata feature (only in 1.5) though that's far from perfect still.
    Alternatively, yes you will need to cut and paste. (if you don't have a pdf an alternative is using google scholar to search for the title and import the respective citation)

    For 2 I would say Zotfile provides the most elegant solution. The alternative is to open the .pdf with a plugin (like the acrobat plugin) and use attach snapshot of current page. You can also use save link as zotero snapshot by right-clicking on the link to the pdf.
  • For 1. - if the paper is listed in Pubmed, you can retrieve the citation data via pubmed and add the pfd manually from the journalĀ“s website
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