
I cannot import reference data from Pubmed to Zotero -am using Safari browser.
Have tried various tricks. Also there is no link or button on the browser bar

Help please!
  • I'm not clear on this -- are you able to import from anywhere?
    If not, do you have the Zotero Safari Extension installed and is it listed in Safari?
  • I installed the extension but it does not show up as a folder or icon. Biggest problem is importing references direct from Pubmed -I end up with blank entries in the Zotero library. I can import PDFs etc
  • So you see the Zotero icon in Safari but it doesn't change when you go to different pages?
    E.g. no book icon here?
  • I'm having similar problems with PubMed. I have the Safari extension. I can save some papers from PubMed, but others do not save. Google Scholar, etc. seem to have no problems. Advice?
  • if you can reliably reproduce an error on any given pubmed page, could we get a URL?

    For example, this is one article that when I click on the "save to zotero" button, it indicates that it is saving to my folder in the lower right corner of my screen. However, nothing appears in my folder for that link.
  • (This is PubMed Central, btw. Not the same thing as PubMed)

    I currently get error messages for all imports from PMC.
    I'd have to check if this is a temporary issue on their part or if their API format has changed. @zuphilip if you have any time to check, that'd be super helpful.
    I get an error back from PMC with "The following PMCID is not available"
  • Many thanks for your kind assistance adamsmith. Like smolenk, when attempting to turn the link above ( into a citation in Zotero, nothing happens -- neither citation nor .pdf appear.

    One additional clarification: I get no error message at all either, i.e. nothing along the lines of "The following PMCID is not available" appears.

    I'll look forward to a solution. PubMed Central is about as valuable a database and repository of .pdf articles in medicine and biological science as can be.
  • I cannot see any recent API changes from NCBI and maybe this is some current problem on their side. I asked them over Twitter. (The error message @adamsmith was referring to, is from API call.)
  • I noticed today that there is SOME functionality for obtaining full-text (.pdf) articles into Zotero from PubMed Central. However, not all articles I requested with the Zotero interface (in FireFox) to PubMed Central downloaded successfully.

    So things seem better, but not completely fixed (at least as of this writing).
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