zotfile tablet transfer error

edited December 14, 2016
I am wishing to create a folder with updated, "clean" folder with all the pdfs already stored on zotero - I have previously used zotfile "send to tablet" cmd for this. However, having now changed the folder name within zotfile, I am getting error msgs which I can't get past - see attached. Any ideas, Thanks (I have checked all I can on zotfile (& zotero) sites) - whoops - unable to find "attach"
  • Upload a picture of the error messages to a photo sharing site like Dropbox and post a link here.

    What versions of Zotero and Zotfile are you using?
  • Hi: the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2tk67uyafb72r6f/zf.rtf?dl=0

    Certainly my Zot is up to date ( I'll need to track dwn the zotfile *.msi to check (but downloaded within last 6 months)

    I don't have the terminology for techspeak, but here is what I think MAY be happening. I have ca 5000 items in Zot Standalone, with the bulk (90%) moved over from a backup following the death of my original HDD. I have then continued adding pdfs & getting metadata for them etc as before, but have not been religous on sending them to tablet. So because I cannot now easily distinguish between those already sent to tablet & those awaiting sending, I have simply created a new folder on my HDD (now called C:\Zot_temp) & then selected the first 100 items to be sent to tablet. What I suspect is happening is that the 90 items already sent to the ORIGINAL folder (eg Zot_pdfs) have a tag / marker attached telling zotfile they have already been sent. Zotfile does not like this request & returns the error msg - Somehow Zotfile does not seem to recognise I have CHANGED the "tablet folder" location (from Zot_pdfs to Zot_temp) & so does not copy the files over. On the other hand, I doubt you whizz guys would be so silly, & therefore suspect the above has NO bearing on the subject!! But any thought welcome on why I cannot create a new, empty folder & direct Zotfile to add the pdfs to this folder! Thanks
  • Can you open the files in question locally?
  • If you mean - can I open Zotero, find an item & click on it to view the pdf - yes.
  • I mean specifically the items that ZotFile says it can't find, such as the Aabeyir paper referenced in the error message.

    FWIW, you can identify papers that ZotFile things are on the tablet
    a) by the tag _tablet
    b) by the fact that they're in the "Tablet Files" collection in Zotero (which you can re-create from the ZotFile preference in the advanced tab under "Create Saved Searches" should they no longer show).
  • YES - can open Aabeyir - no problem
    Re a) - I do not have a the tag box ticked (I use Zotfile not just to move files to a "tablet folder", but aso as a secind backup SOLELY of my Zot pdfs. I do this both as security (easy instant backup) & also as an easily sortable folder independent of Zot
    b) I do not have a "Tablet Files Collection" within Zot - i removed it a while back (can't remember how) cos I managed to get 3 or 4 copies of these collections suddenly appearing.
    So - aha - could this be the route to investigate?
    (EXCEPT I managed to copy over ?8 files this morning to Zot_temp using Zotfile - but no record of a tablet folder created.
  • b) above - do you mean "Add saved searches"?
  • yes, did that from memory. (And for a) I'm not sure what you mean by the tag box ticked -- the tablet function relies on that tag, so that's going to be there whenever you use it, regardless of settings).
  • thanks - i'll get back to you.
  • OK - I now have a folder in my Library "Tablet Files".
    As a test I have sorted my items alphabetically & selected the first 38 items - I would like these transferred as pdf's to C:\Zot_temp. SEE LINK
    I first asked for files to be renamed (all had been already) - top snip.
    I then went to file transfer & asked fr the 38 to be transferred - got middle msg
    After hitting OK, got final error msg with no pdfs in new folder.
    LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sz9w06vef49g6o5/zf1.rtf?dl=0
  • and are these PDFs top level items or are they attached to a Zotero item?
  • How do you determine? As far as I am concerned they are Zot items - they appear in Zot standalone with title etc, & double-clicking opens a pdf - but they are stored (& linked) to individual sub-folders within C:\*\storage. Having said this, the error msgs (in the past) say they are Top-level (this is to do with renaming)
  • They need to be attached to a Zotero item with metadata for ZotFile purposes: If you right click and you have the option to retrieve metadata and add a parent item, they aren't.
  • NO - I cannot retrieve metadata ie there is no such "Retrieve md" option visible when tight clicked
  • I would like to bump this up again - Xmas intervened with no resolution. Thanks
  • Could you post a screenshot of how one of those items looks in Zotero, too? Not just the error message?
  • can you carify what exactly you want made explicit in screenshot (ie what does "how one of those items looks" mean)? Thanks
  • I'm interested in the middle pane in Zotero, specifically. I.e. where you right click on the items to send them to the tablet -- I want to see a small chunk of that middle pane with some of the items for which you're encountering that error.
  • OK, that actually is a ZotFile error, so you'd want to report it following to the ZotFile developer using these guidelines: http://zotfile.com/#reporting-a-bug
  • OK thanks - jst to clarify - when you say "That" is an error - you are referring to? Thanks
  • Definitely the ZotFile messages that say they can't move an item because it's a top level item. Possibly also the ones that say that items are already on the tablet, but that's trickier for me to judge from here.
  • and of course the fact that it's not moving the files, but that's likely the same issue
  • OK - many thanks for your time
  • [and I will keep you posted ;-) ]
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