Zotero refreshes all citations


I am using Zotero in a 50 pages long document and have had no problems with it until today.

Without me (knowingly) changing any settings, adding or editing one citation now takes approximately 30 seconds, as Zotero seems to be updating ALL the references each time I add or or edit one single reference. This has not been the case previously, when I had to click the "refresh all" button to achieve this feat.

Is there any way I can switch off the automatic update-all function?

Thanks for your help!

  • Zotero can slow down in Word/LO documents with a very large number of citations.

    You can do a few things to speed it up:
    1. Switch temporarily to an author-date style that doesn't change formatting for first vs. subsequent citations (e.g., Annual Reviews Author-Date).
    2. Delete the bibliography and only insert it once you are finished writing.

    You can also insert the citations into a blank document and then cut-and-paste them into your document. Once you are done writing, click "Refresh" to update all of the citations once.
  • Many thanks for your swift help, bwiernik!

    In the meantime, Zotero seems to have decided that it does not need to refresh all anymore...
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