export cited references
After creating a word doc with citations and and a reference list, is there a way to export only the references cited in that document? If so, can PDF attachments also be exported at the same time? The goal is to send zotero library + PDF attachments to a coauthor of a collaboratively written document, *after* the document has been drafted with citations from one author's zotero library.
After creating a word doc with citations and and a reference list, is there a way to export only the references cited in that document? If so, can PDF attachments also be exported at the same time? The goal is to send zotero library + PDF attachments to a coauthor of a collaboratively written document, *after* the document has been drafted with citations from one author's zotero library.
You can use http://rintze.zelle.me/ref-extractor/ to extract the references, but no way to include the PDFs.