Non-breaking space in title

I would like to know how it is possible to insert a non-breaking space in a title. I have a French book title with a :, and I need to put a non-breaking space before it. I have tried with the html code   (as I do with italic tags), but it does not work.
Thank you in advance.
  • You should be able to copy paste a non-breaking space from another application
  • Alt+0160 on Windows

    But if you type a "normal" space before a colon (:), it will be transformed into a narrow no-break space (at least with a french CSL style).
    Cf. this and that posts.
  • Thank you for your answers.
    As long as I know, it is not possible to add it in the Zotero field (in the standalone version, at least, I have not tried in the other one).
    But as said Gracile, the CSL transformed it with the fr language, even if the article is in English.
    Thank you.
  • Hello everybody.
    I am facing a problem with the narrow no-break space which automatically replaces "normal" spaces before these punctuation marks => ; : ! ?
    As mentioned in another discussion ( the sign (U+202F) is missing from many fonts. I had a similar problem with the non-breaking hyphen chosen in the French locale for page-range-delimiter, but I was able to bypass this by adding the line - in the terms section of my citation style.
    My problem now is that I couldn't spot the place where the replacement of normal space by a narrow non-breaking space is defined, and therefore couldn't bypass this.
    Does anyone know how I could do this?
    Thank you for your help.
  • edited January 11, 2017
    The CSL processor itself replaces the "normal" space by a narrow-nbsp. You can't bypass that in your style.
    Out of curiosity, what's the font you're using ?

  • Thanks for your answer and for the link, that's the discussion I was hoping to find before I posted this question ;)
    From what I read in the other discussion, I can't expect any other solution than a search and replace before printing my document, is that right? (if I am not mistaken, this would stop the program from updating the fields when pressing the refresh button, so it really should only be done on a copy of the final version).

    The font I was using was Georg Duffner's EB Garamond ( I suppose another solution would be to try and edit the font to add a value for the U+202F character.

    Again, thank you for your help!
  • From what I read in the other discussion, I can't expect any other solution than a search and replace before printing my document, is that right?
    (if I am not mistaken, this would stop the program from updating the fields when pressing the refresh button, so it really should only be done on a copy of the final version).
    No, the search-and-replace itself will not prevent further updates. But these updates will remove all the manual edits (i.e. with search and replace) that you made.
    So, you need to click "Remove Field Codes" before any search-and-replace. And, yes, be careful to do it on a copy of your final version as it it removes any link between Zotero and the document (hence the copy).

    For the record : how do the narrow-nbsp appear for you ? (and what's your OS? Your word processor?)
  • Thanks for these extra details on the procedure!
    The narrow-nbsp appear as empty squares. I am working on Windows 7 pro, using Microsoft Office 2010 pro plus.
  • Thanks. Either you can convince the font author to add the narrow-nbsp or you will have to search-and-replace it (you can just change the font or change the character…)
  • I guess I will have to try this. Thank you!
  • I've noticed that in PubMed xml export that all narrow-nbsp characters are simply ignored for some publishers' articles.
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