Turn Off Import of Journal Abbreviations?

I know that for citations it is possible to turn off automatic abbreviations.

Is is possible to have Zotero _not_ import the abbreviations with the downloaded metadata?

Sometimes the publisher's metadata supplies an abbreviation for the wrong journal


Other times the metadata contains the journal name and sometimes, the journal name in all caps.

This requires extra editing of my imported records. For my purposes, it would be better not to receive the abbreviations at all.NO data is better than bad data.

  • no, sorry. You could run a javascript API script to wipe that field regularly, but that's all I have in terms of suggestions.
  • As an alternative, would it be possible to create an 'automatic journal abbreviation' plugin for the database, using a similar algorithm to that used when creating bibliographies.
    Ideally this would function upon import of the citations into zotero, where instead of using the metadata-provided abbreviation it would use the automatic ones, but a system to request this in the database would also be great (for example in the dropdown menu when right-clicking an entry, or for the entire database in the Tools section).
    I guess your suggestion of running a script to do this regularly would do the trick, but I wouldn't know how to create this.
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